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any more news on the ps3??


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I have been wanting to get a 80 gig. Although with it looking to become obsolete... I am in a predicament. I have seen else where that sony is looking to make a "elite" like model of the ps3 to replace the 80 gig. Bigger hard drive. If they do this what will it cost, and how long will it be till its out? Also what bugs will it have if any? Also if they are going to drop the price on the 40, if they do come out with a "elite" model what would its pricing be? I cant see them droping the 80 just to bring out a 120 or something similar though. Was looking to get a 80 gig in the next week or two. Anyone have any good rumors of info??
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i couldn't find any definites, so last weekend I just bought one. Of course my deciding factor was the 5 free movies, but thats over now.

If they are coming out with a new it probably won't come out until the summer or even next christmas

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I recently just purchased a PS3 for Christmas with the gift cards/money that I had. I purchased the 80g model since it has backwards compatibility/more features. I also purchased it because of the 5 free movie deal and because I had a $25 off coupon. It also doesn’t matter what size hard drive you choose as unlike the x-box 360 (makes you purchase their expensive hd upgrades) you are able to upgrade your PS3 with a larger hard drive relatively cheaply. It use’s basically a laptop hard drive. Here’s some info/tutorial on how to do that, http://asia.cnet.com/digitalliving/tips/0,3800004921,62032875,00.htm.


So don’t let the size of the hard drive determine which model you choose. If backwards compatibility is important to you and having the card readers for pictures, movies, and video’s then by all means get the 80g. But if you just want to watch blueray movies and play occasional PS3 games then the 40g model is best.


Overall the PS3 is a better system then the 360 but no one really plays on the FREE Playstation network so I end up always getting on my 360. I still feel it was money well spent as some good games are just now coming out for the system that 360 can’t begin to touch. I say go for it.

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i play a few games online with the ps2 4-5 times a week. with the features that the 80 have and the backwards compatibility its the one i will prolly get. got a friend that has a nice bluetooth mic that he is going to sell me for 20.oo also.
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