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*VIDEO*Brock Lesnar VS Frank Mir [Full Fight]


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I just didnt see any reason to say that people who were for Kimbo are "retards" but hey what do I know? All I know is when it comes to a fight between 2 people there's always gotta be a winner and a loser, I for one simply feel that Kimbo would be the one to come out on top. Period. And if I'm a "retard" for thinking this then so be it.
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I just didnt see any reason to say that people who were for Kimbo are "retards" but hey what do I know?




If the Lesnar v Kimbo fight ever takes place again I'll put 100$ on Lesnar. Mir was a BJJ blackbelt (if i remember correctly) and while he did initially WANT to go down to the ground I dont think he really wanted Lesnar to pound him in the face like that :)


Like I said, Lesnar got sloppy and overcondfident, he shouldve won that fight.

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Every experienced wrestler has the dissadvantage of foot locks b/c theres nothing like it in traditional wrestling. game, what little of it there was, and decided to go down on the ground.

Wrestling and ground and pound are two different things. He needs ground skills.

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If the Lesnar v Kimbo fight ever takes place again I'll put 100$ on Lesnar. Mir was a BJJ blackbelt (if i remember correctly) and while he did initially WANT to go down to the ground I dont think he really wanted Lesnar to pound him in the face like that :)


Like I said, Lesnar got sloppy and overcondfident, he shouldve won that fight.



this man speaks the truth!


also i would put $100 on Lesnar, i like seeing Kimbo street fighting, but Lesnar would fucking MURDER him!

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Dont get me wrong, Lesnar is a big bad mother! And I dont doubt his abilities to kick some ass, but I think him and Kimbo are on 2 completely different levels... Lesner appears to me to be someone that grew as a fighter in the eyes of the mdeia (wwf, and any other wrestling program he may have been part of) And I'm not saying he's never got into a streetfight or 2, but Kimbo as we all know has been doing this his whole life. To me there's a difference, if it's "infused" into the person you are, then I think that heart is, in the end, what would leave Kimbo victorious... Maybe I'm just rambeling here lol... It's kinda hard to explain, but we're all entitled to our own opinion.
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Dont get me wrong, Lesnar is a big bad mother! And I dont doubt his abilities to kick some ass, but I think him and Kimbo are on 2 completely different levels... Lesner appears to me to be someone that grew as a fighter in the eyes of the mdeia (wwf, and any other wrestling program he may have been part of) And I'm not saying he's never got into a streetfight or 2, but Kimbo as we all know has been doing this his whole life. To me there's a difference, if it's "infused" into the person you are, then I think that heart is, in the end, what would leave Kimbo victorious... Maybe I'm just rambeling here lol... It's kinda hard to explain, but we're all entitled to our own opinion.


I've seen guys who thought they were good boxers/fighters on the street come into the gym and get pummeled by an experienced boxer. It's not gonna matter what the "heart" is like or what ghetto they grew up in. Training is training.

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I've seen guys who thought they were good boxers/fighters on the street come into the gym and get pummeled by an experienced boxer. It's not gonna matter what the "heart" is like or what ghetto they grew up in. Training is training.



Very valid point... and that's exactly what he's been doing...But training can't be everything needed to win, it all comes down to who wants it more.

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I don't think Kimbo (as well as a few current UFC HW) matches up well with Lesnar at all. I'm sure Kimbo is getting some good training, but the ground game needed to survive Lesnar's strengths takes years; unless you're some prodigy. I don't see anyway he could keep that fight on its feet. I do give Kimbo credit for stepping out of his compfort zone...win or lose, he getting in there. Hopefully, he's not spoon fed opponents for too much longer.


On the Mir fight: It showed how out of control Lesnar is at this point. His punches were frantic like something you would see in a bar/street fight. Nothing was measured...just flat out berserker style. Granted, it would still take some skill/composure to weather that kind of storm, but that lack of control on his part would burn a lot of energy, and hurt him later rounds. I also agree with Dr Rick: He needs a ground game/plan, not just wrestling. I do see potential if he can evolve into something a little less one dimensional.





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LOL at Kimbo. He won't be much in MMA, let alone UFC. Kimbo will only be a street fighter. Whoever thinks he'll make it in UFC, I'll give you the finest toast a Natty Ice (yes ice, much class in the glass) can offer you fine sir. For you know your MMA about as much as I know what they actually put in this beer. Besides alot of sweat, but they actually might. Still gross.
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