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Up-Close Lasik eye surgery


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Had mine done last July. The most amazing thing ever. Timeline of my eyes:


2nd grade - got glasses


4th grade - got contacts


Last summer (23 years old) - had a -5.25 contact prescrption (that's pretty bad). The top letter on an eye chart was a giant blur


15 minutes after surgery - could read about 4 lines down on eye chart (lots of gunk in my eyes still)


Day after surgery - back at work, could read bottom line on eye chart



The whole experience was really fine. The only kind of creepy thing is that you can smell your eye burning when the laser starts going. A little off-putting. Oh, and if anyone is considering this, I would highly reccomend going to Revision at Polaris.

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how much does the surgery cost?


From what I have heard, it really depends on the problems you are having with your eyes and which of the different machines that they have to use to actually fix your eyes. Simple proceedure - $500ish/eye, Really bad eyes - can be upwards of $2K per eye. I will more than likely be in that category.

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My g/f is thinking about getting it soon. Money isn't a factor, but a great job at it is.


She can't stand contacts, and has a very bad habbit of not wearing her glasses.


I think she is most worried about down time, risk, dry eyes, and if she will have vision issues again 10 years from now.

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My grandfather got shot in his eye with a BB gun when he was six. I never knew it until he had the Lasik surgery. Somehow he had almost no vision in that eye but, it wasn't visably damaged. He had the surgery 3 yrs. ago (he is in his 70's). His biggest problem was learning his depth perception and such again after being used to only seeing out of one eye. He is very happy with it.
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I have Nystagmus(eyes move from side to side) and I got lasik done. I went to the most notable in town and it cost almost $5000.


I am very satisfied, the cost in glasses alone over the years will make up for it let alone all the other great benefits of not having glasses

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i got it done in june and I love it. Best $2500 I spent. Went to Lasik on Main street. Very nice people. What made me uneasy was is was like an assembly line. When I went in I was waiting for 15 minutes and I saw 3 or 4 people go in and come out. Then when I came out, seeing damn good mind you, there was 4 people waiting.


I loved it and would recommend it to anyone.

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