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One racing buddy dead, another going to jail


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Yes and no. They were done racing when George lost control and wrecked. Brandon didn't hit him, or anything. In no way did Brandon cause the accident. How is it okay to blame him? George was drunk. It was a stupid decision. The accident, in my mind, was solely his fault. You can't throw the book at a dead guy, so it just seems they're looking for a scapegoat. Just my two cents.

Agreed but he was still involved, and part of the reason it happened. He chose to race and someone died, another damaged for life. All because two individuals chose to race on a public road. You do the crime and something bad happens, well sorry you now must face the wrath of the law. He knew what he was doing, and more people could have died. Save that crap for the tracks. He was involved and is part to blame, sorry if that does not sit well, thats just how it is.

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They want to drag him through the system to get money out of him, thats all the courts and cops ever want. Money. They could care less about our safety, there is an intersection in troy where my wife had a bad car accident, a couple people have died there over the past couple years, wrecks I guess are pretty common there, I know this because the lady that lived in front of the intersection came out and talked to me and said "I've been telling the city to make this a 4 way stop for years now, there is an accident here every few months and someone died here just last year...." she goes on to tell me more about how the city does not care, etc etc.

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They want to drag him through the system to get money out of him, thats all the courts and cops ever want. Money. They could care less about our safety, there is an intersection in troy where my wife had a bad car accident, a couple people have died there over the past couple years, wrecks I guess are pretty common there, I know this because the lady that lived in front of the intersection came out and talked to me and said "I've been telling the city to make this a 4 way stop for years now, there is an accident here every few months and someone died here just last year...." she goes on to tell me more about how the city does not care, etc etc.

Not to threadjack but what intersection is that so I can either stay away from it or be more aware of it?

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OT: Does anybody know what the Statute of Limitations is for felony evasion in Ohio?

it depends on the seriousness of the crime. serious felonies have 20 years, except murder, which doesnt have one. less serious felonies are 6 years. Misdemeanors i think are 2 years , and minor misdemeanors are 180 or 90 days.

these all apply to them finding out NOW about a crime you commited THEN.

if they find out that you were involved in an armed robbery 40 years ago, they cant prosecute you on it today. if you murdered someone 40 years ago, they CAN prosecute you.

warrants, on the other hand, never expire. if you robbed a bank today, and then fled to mexico, but they knew it was you and had a warrant for your arrest, if they catch you 25 years later, they can still bring you back and put you in jail.

usually what they will do is convict you in absentia (meaning you are not there) and then whenever they catch you, you start your sentence.

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but i got the thinking about it and this prob could have taken so long because its just a grand jury indictment correct?? it sometimes takes awhile for them to actually get to the case, especially if there are other cases being pushed infront of it.

thats some of it. the other part is that they want to take as much time as they need to collect evidence and build a strong case. they want to be as well prepared as they can be, and not be rushed into prosecuting.

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They want to drag him through the system to get money out of him, thats all the courts and cops ever want. Money. They could care less about our safety, there is an intersection in troy where my wife had a bad car accident, a couple people have died there over the past couple years, wrecks I guess are pretty common there, I know this because the lady that lived in front of the intersection came out and talked to me and said "I've been telling the city to make this a 4 way stop for years now, there is an accident here every few months and someone died here just last year...." she goes on to tell me more about how the city does not care, etc etc.

Sue the city.. Especially if there is a history and record of them being notified of the problem area. Unfortunately its sometimes what it takes to provide the safety for others. Have a lawyer friend write a letter saying that their is documented proof that the city has been informed many times of the dangerous intersection and have done nothing about it. Inform them that all that is really wanted is for a safe intersection, (aka 4 way stop) and that if something is not done to provide safety to the area drivers that they will be forced to pursue further legal action.The wrecks are public record and I guarantee there will be a 4 way sign up within a month.

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I think 7 years?
it depends on the seriousness of the crime. serious felonies have 20 years, except murder, which doesnt have one. less serious felonies are 6 years. Misdemeanors i think are 2 years , and minor misdemeanors are 180 or 90 days.

Ok, thanks guys!

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They want to drag him through the system to get money out of him, thats all the courts and cops ever want. Money. They could care less about our safety, there is an intersection in troy where my wife had a bad car accident, a couple people have died there over the past couple years, wrecks I guess are pretty common there, I know this because the lady that lived in front of the intersection came out and talked to me and said "I've been telling the city to make this a 4 way stop for years now, there is an accident here every few months and someone died here just last year...." she goes on to tell me more about how the city does not care, etc etc.

agreed on the money issue. I was issued a ticket in the hospital while bleeding internally and was about to recieve blood transfusions. I agree I should have got the ticket I was on the wrong side of the road. I remember nothing, the lady who hit me doesn't know what happened, two people behind don't know what happened nor the other random witness. Thats four witnesses besides my self that have no clue how it happens. My buddy told me if he had responded no citations would have been issued until a recreation was done and Officer Darko did not pursue a recreation. All I know is I paid a city worker to fill a pothole for about 20 minutes.

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