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Woman assaulted, then reduced to part-time


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Hello. A *friend* works in a school environment, but not for the school. She works for a not-for-profit company that provides counseling to children.


Two weeks ago, she was grabbed, pulled out of a room, and screamed at by a man in a very high up position. At first, her company said they would back her, and tell the school she would not return because it was not safe for their employees. The company then changed the letter to read the woman refused to return because of fear for her safety.


Today, the woman was informed that since she would not return to that school, they were dropping her to part-time, since that school accounted for nearly 50% of her hours. This, of course, means 50% pay and loss of FT benefits.


The man that assaulted her is still employed.


How can she be punished for being physically and verbally assaulted?


Any thoughts, help, etc?

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Employment attorney might be able to help. Keep in mind Ohio is an employment at will state. An employer can fire or reduce hours at will. Did she make a police report about the incident? It sounds over the line to me.
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your friend has to prove they reduced her hours due to the assault. If she cant then no...



shouldnt be too hard with the statement that she would not return for fear of her safety. if the was of space was no longer there she wouldn't have to fear for her safety.

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I replied earlier, but it is gone. Fucking Mods. :)


Yes, there were witnesses, and at least one has already written out an incident statement. The witness's version matches.


She is an advocate for the children at this center. A room full of employees were yelling at the kid, she tried to enter the room, and what amounts to a principle removed her and screamed at her, stating she was butting-in. Her job is to be there to protect the student's interests.


There is no problem linking the 50% cut in hours directly to this incident.

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Keep in mind Ohio is an employment at will state. An employer can fire or reduce hours at will.

Actually, at will means they can reduce hours or terminate employment without having to give reason. HOWEVER, if they do give reason, then it is contestable. It is also contestable if a direct link can be made to some incident or statement.

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