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Cops dump disabled man from wheelchair on the floor...


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What they don't say is what he'd been arrested for. Nor is there audio. There are always two sides to every story. I'd be interested in hearing what led up to that. For all we know, dude could've been arrested on weapons charges and they never found the weapon. He could've been threatening them. He could've been drunk as a motherfucker and refusing to cooperate. Never know what was going on. If he really was completely innocent and did nothing leading up to them dumping his ass, then he should sue the shit out of them.
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What they don't say is what he'd been arrested for. Nor is there audio. There are always two sides to every story. I'd be interested in hearing what led up to that. For all we know, dude could've been arrested on weapons charges and they never found the weapon. He could've been threatening them. He could've been drunk as a motherfucker and refusing to cooperate. Never know what was going on. If he really was completely innocent and did nothing leading up to them dumping his ass, then he should sue the shit out of them.


They said he was there to dispute a traffic violation. No audio or not that was shady as hell. Even if he was under arrest or drunk/disorderly they could've gone about that a hell of alot better than what they did.

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What they don't say is what he'd been arrested for. Nor is there audio. There are always two sides to every story. I'd be interested in hearing what led up to that. For all we know, dude could've been arrested on weapons charges and they never found the weapon. He could've been threatening them. He could've been drunk as a motherfucker and refusing to cooperate. Never know what was going on. If he really was completely innocent and did nothing leading up to them dumping his ass, then he should sue the shit out of them.


I don't think there is anything that this guy could have been saying or doing to justify them dumping him onto the floor. Dude can't even move 90% of his body.


I don't know what's worse, the person dumping him or none of the cops giving a shit after it happened. The one guy was laughing. It's really sad.

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exactly. I say give him a police baton and let him go to work on that guys nuts for about five minutes and call it a draw.


I don't think there is anything that this guy could have been saying or doing to justify them dumping him onto the floor. Dude can't even move 90% of his body.


I don't know what's worse, the person dumping him or none of the cops giving a shit after it happened. The one guy was laughing. It's really sad.

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That is bull shit!!! I just had a conversation with a guy I work with who says that to a certain extent we are not a FREE society because of shit like that! We will always have someone with more power over us And shit like that and the cop that jacked off on the stripper when he pulled them over is just the kind of things he was talking about. If a cop wants to do something to you, their going to get away with it and there is nothing you can do. It’s carp. They should be held to a much higher standard with higher consequences if they break the law, just because of that. Instead the cop will probably get suspended with pay all for being a dick! And found to have reasonable cause for doing it!!! But if I made a joke about a handicapped person or woman I work with I could loose my job.

If your were 100% free a person with that power wouldn't be able to dump you out of your wheel chair or blow their load on you while you tell them to stop!!!

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That is bull shit!!! I just had a conversation with a guy I work with who says that to a certain extent we are not a FREE society because of shit like that! We will always have someone with more power over us And shit like that and the cop that jacked off on the stripper when he pulled them over is just the kind of things he was talking about. If a cop wants to do something to you, their going to get away with it and there is nothing you can do. It’s carp. They should be held to a much higher standard with higher consequences if they break the law, just because of that. Instead the cop will probably get suspended with pay all for being a dick! And found to have reasonable cause for doing it!!! But if I made a joke about a handicapped person or woman I work with I could loose my job.

If your were 100% free a person with that power wouldn't be able to dump you out of your wheel chair or blow their load on you while you tell them to stop!!!


Whats your point? No matter what society you live in there will always be SOMEBODY with more power over you. 100% freedom is a dream, it will never happen. Hell even in our nation's infancy we were still not 100% "free".

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Whats your point? No matter what society you live in there will always be SOMEBODY with more power over you. 100% freedom is a dream, it will never happen. Hell even in our nation's infancy we were still not 100% "free".


this is true, but in peoples minds today when they hear the words police or cop, they think of something bad, police are there to create a safer society not to make u scared of them.

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Whats your point? No matter what society you live in there will always be SOMEBODY with more power over you. 100% freedom is a dream, it will never happen. Hell even in our nation's infancy we were still not 100% "free".

I understand that there will never be 100% freedom and I don't think there should be, because then any sick fuck who gets off by killing people can be 100% Free to do it.


My point is the same as this...

this is true, but in peoples minds today when they hear the words police or cop, they think of something bad, police are there to create a safer society not to make u scared of them.

If a cop or any figure of power (or at least more power then you) wants to do something to you against your will, then they can. Weather they are found guilty or not they still did it and it screwed you. Its just seems to be getting more and more common to see people in power abuse it (Cops, politicians, teachers) and if it stays on that path...well imagine what could go wrong. It has to start somewhere.

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First let me say I smell a law suit!!


Second What the hell was that officer thinking? I could tell right away just by looking at his arms and hands that there was something wrong with him. His legs looked very skinny to through his pants. She obviosly wasn't paying attention to detail.


Third now because of another incident created by a bad apple, cops get a bad rap. I wish people would think before they act it might save them and the rest of us some grief. Nothing like tarnishing the badge.

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