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Castro is out!!!!


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Does this mean the end of the Embargo?


Does this mean free and easy access to good Cigars?


Does this mean I finally get to go diving in Cuba?


You have no idea how much I want this stupid embargo to be over, this beautiful island is 60 miles away and yet we aren't supposed to go there (yes I know how to get there via Canada).


Only time will tell.



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nothing is going to change until the leadership allows other political parties to form, and free and fair elections are held. theyre just trading one dictator for another. however, with fidel gone, perhaps the seeds of liberty will have just a slightly smaller chance.
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Raul has said in the past he wants to open trade relations with the US.


I really hope we do start talking again. That would be one awesome place to have nearby as a vacation destination, Eco Tourism there would be very cool.

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Raul has said in the past he wants to open trade relations with the US.


I really hope we do start talking again. That would be one awesome place to have nearby as a vacation destination, Eco Tourism there would be very cool.



That economy would become awesome if they had tourism from us. Think about it, a day trip easily done. Somewhere new, exotic, it would be great.

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I read quite some time ago when he originally became very ill, that in many ways his brother was worse than him. There seems to be some mixed feelings about him. Hopefully, it'll work out alright.


Gots to be some mixed feelings. I heard Raul was a softy?

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For anything good to happen in Cuba, the US needs to get rid of the prison at Guantanamo and replace it with a Sandals. Think about it, all that those commies see now is how oppressive the US is by sending people to prison without trying them (this issue is neither here nor there.) Instead, they could be seeing capitalism at it's finest, a resort with nothing but swimming pools and smiling faces. Once we do that, Cubans will be beating a path to capitalism's door.


Then, move GITMO to a suburb in Mexico city and demonstrate to any potential border crossers how we deal with dissidents. Politicians just don't think outside the box these days!

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