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new abu ghraib photos

cptn janks

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PS. It takes congress to declare war.


PPS. There were plenty of dems who voted to go to war.


PPPS. The president did not, and could not, do this by himself.


PPPPS. Please take a military history class. This was happening long before G.W. took office. I'd recommend International Studies 553 at OSU. That is a class called Terror and Terrorism.



Are you serious History lesson #2 we didnt declare WAR! Dems voted to fund the so called war giving that we were already there/heading there(Iraq and Afganistan were diffrent). As far as taking a military history class I think NSS 312(History of terrorism), ENF 441(Counter Intell/Terrorism), and ENF 645 (Counter terrorism) at Tiffin University will do just fine. My point is that many conservatives have the same mind set as President Bush. They believe that the all high and mighty United States should be able to do whatever they want whenever they want without some sort of retalliation. We invaded Iraq on false pretenses, we then get attacked by those living there and we have the right to call them terrorist. Granted I do realize that there were legitimate terrorist groups there before the war but they certainly werent those responsilbe for 9/11. And yes they might be there now but we provided them with that target. The topic at hand is the moral and legal issues regarding the pictures at Abu Ghraib. If you agree with the actions these soldiers took then something is worng between your ears. I want revenge as much as the next person for 9/11 but not at the cost of destroying foreign relations with the rest of the world.

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The people in Iraq who attacked us were not Iraqis. Well, some were, but the majority were not. Many of the insurgents are from Iran, Chechnya, Syria, etc... You could reference Beirut from your history classes, the same people fought us there.


Excuse my statement about declaring war, that was not worded properly at all. What I meant was not "declare" but rather "go to". It takes congress to go to war. The president does not have the authority to do what we did (and are doing) in Iraq without congressional approval (after a time period).


Morals are not quite as black and white as you paint them. Being right and wrong in this case is not possible on our side. What the soldiers did may have been wrong; I mean that they may not have followed the rules. The soldiers may have been after some sort of perverted justice for what has happened.


My opinion on what happens to the prisoners is not based on revenge. My opinion is that they should get no more and no less than they deserve. I cannot say from these pictures if this was what happened. I believe in Hammurabi's Code. If they tortured or facilitated torture, they deserve the same fate. Torture is unfortunate, but reality. The people that get it usually deserve it. They usually have information we need. There will always be collateral damage in war (I am speaking of those who have been wrongly tortured now).


I shall now wait patiently for you to take something I said out of context (like Beirut). I can only take comfort in knowing you are more educated than some of the others who attempt to argue here.

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