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Broke up w/ my girl...


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Like I said I could care less who saw it. Chuck apologized for doin it stating he went across the line. I didnt break up with her via internet video idiot. She broke up with me so I made that video which got me back into her asian yum yum panties. So you can laugh at it all you want cause

1. I dont care

2. It got me sexors with a hot asian girl

3. I still sexor more then any of you. :cool:


She ruv you rong time?

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did he say hot asian???what, did she suck your dick and stick here thumb up your ass an say " YOOOUUUU LLLLIKKEEEEE". i guess people shouldnt burn bridges should they sam???

Uh huh. Wait, what? quicklube69

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did he say hot asian???what, did she suck your dick and stick here thumb up your ass an say " YOOOUUUU LLLLIKKEEEEE". i guess people shouldnt burn bridges should they sam???






Say what now???????

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