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Anybody work out on a regular basis?

T Rex

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If you are really serious do this...


-Talk to a nutritionist. Get a diet that is tailored to you are your goals.

(if you dont have the money use websites like the one listed above)

-If you are disciplined use a personal trainer for a few weeks to get an idea of what type of work out regiment you should be following. Even if you have a background in personal training and/or are experienced it's good to get ideas from someone else.

- If you are not disciplined use the trainer longer to whip your lazy ass into shape

- Stay away from "cheats" in the form of pills. If you want energy buy a juicer and take a trip to Krogers.

- Remember that fast is not always good. Take your time and allow your metabolism to rise at a natural rate. This way you dont put the weight back on by eating one pizza 3 months from now.


Personal training was my major in college for a few years before I found out how much their average salary was :( .


I would listen. I used to be 6"3" 180 lbs. After working with my brother I ended up getting in shape and turning from a tall skinny kid to a 6"3" 240 athlete. Everybody has there own regiment they have to stick to. Just be cautious!

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If you want a good protien shake.. get amplify I drink 2 a day.. It tatse soo good and only has 3 grams of sugar and 4 carbs, but 20 grams of protien. Strawberry is so good. also tuna and hot suace great source of protien. Get a good multi vitamin, add fish oil if it doesnt include it. and always watch portion sizes. Ephedra is not bad.. just dont over do it. Also, drink plenty of water!


The Protein Naked drink has like 43 grams of protein I believe and little other shit.

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The Protein Naked drink has like 43 grams of protein I believe and little other shit.


My canned chicken, and tuna is where i get most of my protien, like 100 grams from the 2 cans.


Naked has almost 65 grams of carbs 60 grams of sugar in 16 oz.



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Right now I am taking a break from working out do to have surgery and my boys being sick but am startin back up on Monday.


Mon and Wed: I work my arms and upper body till muslce fatigue and work my back lower back and core.

Tue and Thrus: I work my legs pretty hard and run plus do cardio

as for diet I eat good I will eat around 2000 caloires making sure that atleast 1500 of the calories are protien. (chicken, eggs, cheese, ect) I also try to eat about a pound of veggies a day. My only weekness is pop and will have 1 a day.

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I have changed my diet 100%. I have lost 15lbs in the last 4 months from 5'10" 180 to 165... I dont have much else to lose and I dont want to gain anything back.


Im not trying to cop out here, but I lilterally only have time to work out tues, thurs and saturdays. I work at least 48 hours a week and I have 4 classes this semster. Unforunatly my time is tight. :(


My bad about ephedra, I was under the impession that it was illegal. I never said that it was bad for you. I just said people didnt take it like they should have (ie: drink plenty of water, maybe took to many pills) and were injured in some way. I was hoping you would chime in before I made an even bigger ass of myself...

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My canned chicken, and tuna is where i get most of my protien, like 100 grams from the 2 cans.


Naked has almost 65 grams of carbs 60 grams of sugar in 16 oz.




Yeah I wasn't sure about how much other stuff is in it. The sugar is not bad sugar persay because it is the natural sugars in the fruit. High carbs though.

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I have changed my diet 100%. I have lost 15lbs in the last 4 months from 5'10" 180 to 165... I dont have much else to lose and I dont want to gain anything back.


Im not trying to cop out here, but I lilterally only have time to work out tues, thurs and saturdays. I work at least 48 hours a week and I have 4 classes this semster. Unforunatly my time is tight. :(


My bad about ephedra, I was under the impession that it was illegal. I never said that it was bad for you. I just said people didnt take it like they should have (ie: drink plenty of water, maybe took to many pills) and were injured in some way. I was hoping you would chime in before I made an even bigger ass of myself...

I worked out Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday ONLY. No supplements.


This has been brought to you by a record setting weight lifter.

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I worked out Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday ONLY. No supplements.


This has been brought to you by a record setting weight lifter.


So then maybe its my workout... which I just changed up, I was doing 3 sets of 12 now Im doing 6 sets of 6 with about 30-40 more lbs.



Pull-ups and dips (take off 20lbs of body weight)

Curls (Machine) 130lbs

Super-pullover 160lbs

Peck-Flys 120lbs

French Curl (I think it the name) 40lbs (behind the head curl with a free weight)

We have this machine that is like a spotter and I use it to do reverse curls and half dead lifts at 80lbs

Cardio for 30min.



Super Bicycle (as many as I can handle)

Pull-ups and dips (take off 20lbs of body weight)

Super-pullover 160lbs

Power Crunch 1000!!! (25lbs of weight) can usually do that around 20 x 6

Inclined situps w/ 25lb weight 15 x 6

Plank try to hold it for longer than 50 seconds

Cardio for a 30 min.



As many push-ups and sit-up variations as I can do.

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Im looking for a decent arms (my biceps look tiny), I dont want huge pecs but definatly more cut than what they are, broader shoulders, and a six-pack. I still want to maintain flexiblity and agility.


My cardio consists of Jump Rope/Rowing/Running/Biking/Eliptical and sometimes stair-master.

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Well, start by knocking out the fancy named shit. Stick to basics for those kinds of results. What equipment do you have access to? A gym maybe?


Edit: I just read your cardio. I'm assuming wherever you go has some nice free weights?

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Kent States Gym... We have a lot of machines there. Benches for free-weights with 45lb bars and dumbbells. I wouldn't say they are nice free-weights :p.


The machine we have for free weights is nice, but you lose the core workout you would normally get from free weights since it keeps the bar steady for you.

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I can give you some advice, but I can't write you a workout. Too many people quit when I put them through the types of workouts I do.


Stick to the basics, that means try staying away from machines.


Chest- For a defined strong chest you'll want to do different exercises. Try to mix in flat bench, decline bench, and incline bench presses. Also adding dumbbell flies will help a great deal. Your dips also help.


Biceps- It's basics here, stick to curls. Do regular curl with a bar and dumbbells. Also do some hammer curls to round everything out (these will also help forearms).


Triceps- French curls work great, but I prefer skull/nose crushers and close grip bench presses. Dips also work great here.


Shoulders and back- Military presses work great for your shoulders and upper back. Bench pressing will also help with proper form. Shrugs will nicely round out your traps and hugely improve your grips. Good mornings are another great exercise to add for your back. With a machine it is a good idea to do lat pull downs.


Core (abs, etc...)- Regular/reverse crunches, situps, and flutter kicks will do wonders. Nothing fancy is really needed.


Legs- Squats and deadlifts are incredible not only for legs, but for your entire body. Squats work nearly every muscle.


Form- Form is everything. If you don't have proper form, you might as well not be doing the exercise. If there is a personal trainer around, ask them just to give you pointers. They're usually willing to help. If I said an exercise you aren't 100% on, ask. I can coach some over the interwebs.


Workout makeup- You should try not to overwork your muscles. I would suggest splitting things like this...


Tuesday- Heavy flat and decline bench presses, biceps/triceps, abs, and cardio.


Thursday- Squats, deadlifts, military presses, lat pull downs, shrugs, and cardio.


Saturday- Light/speed flat bench press, incline bench, biceps/triceps, abs, and cardio.


Try to add in two more days of cardio just to even things out. You'll want at the very least 22 mins at your target heart rate (220 minus your age minus your average resting heart rate).


Flexibility- Stretching before a workout is usually enough to maintain your flexibility. If you can add the extra two days of cardio I suggested, try stretching exercises on those days too.


Repetitions- On heavy days, I would recommend 6-8 sets of 3-6 hard reps after a warmup. That is on the main exercises (i.e. squats, deadlifts, flat, and decline benches). For accessory exercises I would recommend 10-12 reps in 4-6 sets. For abs I do sets of 25-50 depending on difficulty. For your light flat bench I would suggest doing 1 warmup set and then 8 sets of 3 at 55% 1RM with 30 secs rest between sets.


Finally, make a workout and stick with it for 4-5 weeks. After that, make some changes, just not drastic ones. Shock your muscles with a big change after about 12 weeks.


I won't say anything about nutrition as there are tons of resources. Just make sure to get good protein within 30 mins of your workout.


This is just a guideline I would use to form an excellent base. There are other ways to do get in great strong shape, this just happens to be my way.

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PS. For people who want to argue about the above, I stated it's just one way of doing things. I saw great success using this, and I know another member of this board did as well. I used this as my base for my workouts for 4 years, it worked.
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Thanks for you help Hal! I will definatly change my workout to this... My only problem is that I do not have access to a gym on Saturday. I'll figure something out.


Side note: Hal have I ever met you from the Donatos days? or when I lived in cbus?

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Thanks for you help Hal! I will definatly change my workout to this... My only problem is that I do not have access to a gym on Saturday. I'll figure something out.


Side note: Hal have I ever met you from the Donatos days? or when I lived in cbus?

You should be able to figure something out. Just look at the general way I setup the days, and you can change it around any way you like. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or whatever/


I doubt it. I'm still a relative noob :cool:

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PS. For people who want to argue about the above, I stated it's just one way of doing things. I saw great success using this, and I know another member of this board did as well. I used this as my base for my workouts for 4 years, it worked.


Theres nothing wrong with that. It's a good workout and detailed enough for anyone to follow. But my workout is better... Sex 7 days per week for at least 60 minutes per session. Use her body for resistance. Start with a skinny girl and gradually work your way to a big girl!


My wife knows that its to better my health so she didnt mind when I had to graduate to a bigger woman. I'm now 35 sizes up from where I first started...


No pain no gain :(

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I doubt it. I'm still a relative noob :cool:


Says the guy with 1400 posts.


Good info.


Remember diet is going to be the majority of all of your hard work. If you work out 12 hours a day 5 days a week but eat like shit, you'll still look like shit. Like Hal said be sure to get some good protein in right after a workout. Whey protein is the best. Or just plain Chicken, Tuna, Lean red meat will help too.

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Theres nothing wrong with that. It's a good workout and detailed enough for anyone to follow. But my workout is better... Sex 7 days per week for at least 60 minutes per session. Use her body for resistance. Start with a skinny girl and gradually work your way to a big girl!


My wife knows that its to better my health so she didnt mind when I had to graduate to a bigger woman. I'm now 35 sizes up from where I first started...


No pain no gain :(

That's my new workout, without the fat chicks. I found I burn a lot more calories if I do more reps with a smaller chick.

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