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A Win for America


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Kind of related... I went to look for ceiling fans today. Almost all of them had a foreign language facing on the outside. I was pissed. This is America. If you want to live here, speak and read english. The instruction booklet was 4 times as thick as it should be. Only 2 pages was english. The rest was a different language. If you want to live here, speak and read English. /rant
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Ha I just watched a show on the travel channel about that Genos cheese steak place..


yo i watched that too, and the pizza episodes rofl.


I do not really agree about the whole sign deal. I am grateful when I go to Italy they provide English Menus and signs for most if not all of the populated areas. It would suck for someone vacationing to our great country and they cant figure out how to order a good cheese steak.

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Kind of related... I went to look for ceiling fans today. Almost all of them had a foreign language facing on the outside. I was pissed. This is America. If you want to live here, speak and read english. The instruction booklet was 4 times as thick as it should be. Only 2 pages was english. The rest was a different language. If you want to live here, speak and read English. /rant

Um... They probably sell the same fan and instructions to multiple countries. Even if they only export to our neighbors, that's Spanish and French to add to the instructions right there.


However, I applaud the restaurant and the council that upheld the sign. This is the US. Our national language is English. If I were going to live in another country, I would DAMN well learn the national language. I dunno about those that refuse to learn english, but it scares me to think that I wouldn't be able to say "I think I have internal injuries" to an EMT.



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However, I applaud the restaurant and the council that upheld the sign. This is the US. Our national language is English. If I were going to live in another country, I would DAMN well learn the national language. I dunno about those that refuse to learn english, but it scares me to think that I wouldn't be able to say "I think I have internal injuries" to an EMT.




I don't believe the U.S has ever set a national language per se. But it is the dominant language. +1 to the steak shop. :cool:

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yo i watched that too, and the pizza episodes rofl.


I do not really agree about the whole sign deal. I am grateful when I go to Italy they provide English Menus and signs for most if not all of the populated areas. It would suck for someone vacationing to our great country and they cant figure out how to order a good cheese steak.


That is not the American way to think of it. They shall cater to us. We will not cater to them. :p

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I don't believe the U.S has ever set a national language per se. But it is the dominant language. +1 to the steak shop. :cool:


almost did.



On May 18, 2006, the Senate voted on an amendment to an immigration reform bill that would declare English the national language of the United States[3]. The immigration reform bill itself, S. 2611, was passed in the Senate on May 25, 2006, but expired when the Senate and the House of Representatives failed to agree upon the amendments in conference.

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Чёрт тебя возьми!


去你妈的, 见鬼去吧, 走开 (脏话)


và a farti fottere!


Geh zur Hölle, verschwinde (abfällig)


Chinga a tu madre or Ve y chinga a tu madre... Pendejos



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A lot of people in Europe at least know basic English. Some places had English menus. For pizza, they had pictures of what the topping was and you just pointed at pictures. All the servers knew enough English to take our order, plus we tipped. Something most Europeans apparently don't do, the servers loved us. Pivo was beer, that's all i know. :)
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