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thanks to all who came out


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I live around the corner and have mastered the drums in rockband. My feelings are so hurt I'm now adding you to my ignore list...


Proof that I haz skillz.. granted, I play without pants on, but I would have came out of my comfort zone to party with you :(


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I live around the corner and have mastered the drums in rockband. My feelings are so hurt I'm now adding you to my ignore list...


Proof that I haz skillz.. granted, I play without pants on, but I would have came out of my confort zone to party with you :(




So YOU'RE the Stig!!!! NO WAI!

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and to everyone else...

if i dont know you why would i invite you. not being a dick or anything, but i invited some of the people i knew on here personally. my house was pretty packed with the little aamount of people who were there. what maybe 15 people.


so im glad i didnt invite more lol.


but ill have to do it again, and invite a few more members. maybe even ones i dont know lol

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