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Columbus Racing... The Movie

V8 Beast

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The only thing legal that could be posted would be track days which gets boring real fast. Then the modding thing would take alot of time to make into a video unless you do like the guys on Horsepower tv when they put a whole motor together in 10 mins. But it does sound like a good idea. Back in the day when we use to actually street race and lap 270 with about 50 cars we had some awesome videos and actually thought about putting them all together to make one whole vid but never got to it. The bad thing is people wanna see stuff that is illegal and those people getting away with it. Legal stuff never seems to amuse people. This is why Cocaine Cowboys was such a hot movie, all illegal and getting away with it and how they did it. Now if you made a video of people street racing, and how they pick their spots, set up races, block off roads and get away with it, then I think you will sell alot more then the ones showing stuff people can do without any danger...
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Sam does make a good point, back in the day there was a lot more action and vids floating around of races, highly ILLEGAL races.


as for Brian's original point, i get the idea...but like Sam said, people wanna see illegal stuff...Columbus Racing the Movie might be a little boring. Let's face it, prolly 80% of the members are just enthusiast that drive normal every day drivers, i really don't wanna watch a guy in a Saturn and a guy in a mini-van hang out in a parking lot.


at the same time though it's not really fair to single out members...


let's just make a video "The Sam Demeter Experience featuring Columbus Racing"

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So what do you guys/gals think about making a documentary of car enthusiasts from Columbus (and the few people from other places)? From what I can see on the board we have thousands of you with different stories, videos, and modding preferences. I know there are a lot of people out there that are tired of seeing ricers plastered all over the place. Why not make a documentary and show people quality car work. Let them sit back in their chair and enjoy a real movie about modding cars, drag racing, auto cross, and the different things that go along with it.



Sorry, I tend to think big.. maybe too big... but is there any other way? ;)



We need to talk. I have a couple key people that can make this happen.

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I think there's plenty to cram into one film. Dunno about a series..


Start with the people and cars. Show some of the faster cars and what makes them fast, and how the owner did it. Cover the different types of cars. From deceptively quick DDs, to tubbed-out "street legal" racers, to high power sports cars, home-tuned boost buggies, and nimble little racers.


Then show the cars in action. From Drag Racing, to Auto-X, Rally-X, and track days at Mid-Ohio. In-car footage a must. Get together with some of the organizers to get "behind the scenes" footage.


And you can wrap it up with the guys hanging out at a parking lot, like a car-show. Or even something silly like having all these hard-core racers playing around on the go-carts at Magic Mountain. :)


Though it's CR: The Movie, it doesn't have to have ONLY CR members in it. You can expand it to the things CR members do and enjoy and make it essentially "What to do if you're a car guy/gal in Columbus."


I think the trick will be not to take a Moral High Ground and make it sound like a PSA about illegal street racing. But to assume the viewer knows about street racing and show them the "other side" of CR, where we go balls-out and don't have to give a shit about cops or slow traffic.


I think it's a cool idea, and should be fun.


EDIT: Try to make it like those skiing or surfing movies... GOtta look up the guy's name who makes 'em...

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I've got ideas about the legality of the images shown. I'm going to talk to my dad about it if it's a serious idea. I have a couple ideas about how we could make something pretty cool. I don't want to detract from Brian's ideas though.
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Just think about what we have in Cbus and the people associated with us...


TT vettes,

500 hp trucks

All out drag cars

8 second evos

1000+ hp vipers and supras

Cars with swapped engines

A neon that will murder half the city

A Golf that puts down crazy power.

And grudge matches all over the damn place

Its nothing different from any other city, but we have characters that could make it work.


Put these cars on there, let them be seen in action, and talk a little bit before hand. The hard part would be making enough action so that it wouldnt be boring. On the other hand if we do show the illegal stuff then the police department would start a street racer task force. I could see them pulling people over just for looking fast hoping to catch someone fro the movie.

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Like said before with the street racing footage, the Teckademics guys have seemingly no problems with putting the film out there and like Sam said they make great money doing it, they told me the same thing when I was at Nopi as well, hell they should as I own all their films!!
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