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George Bush Gets Booed At Ceremonial First Pitch


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Yes, the original and also the first vid posted here are boos. The second vid made was much like teh radio stations in that it was dubbed with cheers. Strangely enough, or actually, not strange at all, the person who posted the 2nd vid on YouTube goes by the name of "republicanrevolution". :D
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What happened to respect? What does it look like to the rest of the world when we are booing our president?

That's my thought. I am rapidly losing faith in a lot of our population.

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What happened to respect? What does it look like to the rest of the world when we are booing our president?


It looks like we have a society free enough to voice our displeasure in our leadership without fear of retribution for doing such. A society in which we're not "pressured" into not voicing our opinion just because we SHOULD respect the office. Yes the office should be respected, but when the person who holds such office doesnt garner or deserve such respect than what sort of reaction to you think they will receive?


Its neither here nor there and I wont argue if he's a good president or not. But I love the fact that 41,000 people in Nationals Park never once felt like they HAD to cheer someone they didnt WANT to cheer.

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What happened to respect? What does it look like to the rest of the world when we are booing our president?


Anymore it seems like most of our population is from other countries anyway... I wonder what percentage of the crowd chooses 1 for english when they use an automated system :confused:

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Poor display of patriotism... Regardless you still need to have respect. If you don't like how things are going, GET THE FUCK OUT!

What are you, a commie? Do you think this is a monarchy or dictatorship? This is America. If you don't like how things are going; vote.

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Poor display of patriotism... Regardless you still need to have respect. If you don't like how things are going, GET THE FUCK OUT!

That is absolutely wrong. It is against everyone our country was(is) based on.

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