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Fuck people who do stuff just to piss you off


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why do people feel the need to park so close to your car.


the other day me and preston are at tuttle and we park all the way on the end away from everyone else and when we come out there is a piece of shit car parked right next to me with his front bumper about 6 inches from mine, and no one else was around it wasn't busy at all.


so preston wrote him a note that simply stated:


"where else are you insecure in your life. by the way i'm 23 and no daddy didn't buy it."

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Have that happen, too. Went to a wedding awhile back that was being held near the water park, etc. Parked in the back away from everyone. Come out and someone had still managed to hit my front passenger quarter panel. Fuckin A.
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lol, I do have to admit a story, but it is different


At my friend's old apartment, one of the girls who lived there had this douchbag BF who thought his pos lexus was too good for one parking spot, and he ALWAYS parked between the lines to get 2 parking spaces when he came there, and for those who have lived in an apt, you know parking can be a bitch on the weekends, and nights. So one weekend when the douche did that, we parked right up next to him on either side, getting nice and close. It was hysterical when he came knocking on the door finally wanting them to move. I think first he tried being tough, but then thought better of it, after getting ripped right back for his douchebaggery parking. :D



ahh, the good ole days

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lol, I do have to admit a story, but it is different


At my friend's old apartment, one of the girls who lived there had this douchbag BF who thought his pos lexus was too good for one parking spot, and he ALWAYS parked between the lines to get 2 parking spaces when he came there, and for those who have lived in an apt, you know parking can be a bitch on the weekends, and nights. So one weekend when the douche did that, we parked right up next to him on either side, getting nice and close. It was hysterical when he came knocking on the door finally wanting them to move. I think first he tried being tough, but then thought better of it, after getting ripped right back for his douchebaggery parking. :D



ahh, the good ole days


LMAO Holy fuck! We did this same thing at some apartments I live at in Westminster, CA. He'd do either that or park in my or my neighbors reserved spots.

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I was at work "Discount Tire" and I parked the farthest spot away from anything. I was working out back in the garage and it was a pretty slow day. Some guy in a truck pulls in and sees a customer walking out of the parking lot they start to talk and I dont mind it. I cant see my car the way the truck is positioned and I notice that the guy in the truck has gotten out and has leaned up against my car!!!!!!!


almost sitting on the front hood.


I yell "Yo asshole get the off my damn car!!!!"


My boss walks out and I thouihgt I was in deep shit.


He asked who am I yelling at and to not say that again. Guy gets all pissed off and says and I quote "Its just a VW a fucking car"


I was in shock I walked away and my boss handled the situation he saw I was about to take the slegde hammer by the door and beat fuck out of his hillbilly ass with a dull screwdriver.


Some people are fucking retards.

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The first month I bought my mustang I was out cruising around with a friend on a beautiful summer day when we decided to pull into arby's and get a sandwich. the parking lot wasn't very crowded so I picked a spot about three spots away from everyone else. The shock of buying the car was still new and I was eating by the window enjoying myself while looking at what a winter of hard work doing industrial painting had brought me. I then witness some fuck in a minivan pull right next to it. He proceeds to open his sliding door and pull a guitar case out to try and move it around and bangs it into my car several times as I'm sitting there in disbelief. I walked outside and "confronted" him.
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The first month I bought my mustang I was out cruising around with a friend on a beautiful summer day when we decided to pull into arby's and get a sandwich. the parking lot wasn't very crowded so I picked a spot about three spots away from everyone else. The shock of buying the car was still new and I was eating by the window enjoying myself while looking at what a winter of hard work doing industrial painting had brought me. I then witness some fuck in a minivan pull right next to it. He proceeds to open his sliding door and pull a guitar case out to try and move it around and bangs it into my car several times as I'm sitting there in disbelief. I walked outside and "confronted" him.


I miss you, join us tonight still got the same number?..

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I miss you, join us tonight still got the same number?..



I miss you my friend. What are your plans for the evening? I no longer believe in cell phones. I now have a house phone, I'll pm you the number. You should join me as I'll be surrounded by attractive clothing designers with British accents all night.

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The day after I bought my mustang I went and shined it all up to go take pretty pictures.. But the batteries in my Digi cam where dead so I went into wall mart ( aparking lot where everyone thinks its fucking NASCAR) and I Park on the end. I go inside and about 10-15min later I return to my stang to see some one rubed the back end. didnt do mch damages just deep/thick scratches. I was pissed./end of story
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This kind of shit pisses me off every time. I live on-campus (college) and always park out the middle of F-ing nowhere. Once in a while someone always has to park next to me when there is 30 open spots all around me. WTF? :rolleyes:
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I remember the day i brought my 2g home. It was a sunday and I literally parked it in the driveway and stared. I didnt want to drive it but i was meeting some friends are Average Joes off sawmill for wings and decided to drive it up. I was there maybe 3-4 hours, parked it in the front but down the line so no one was around. There was a newer white BMW 3 series next to it at one point in time but i didnt care really. FFWD 4 days and I get home from work around 6pm in the jetta and happened to glance at the rear bumper of the 2g and notice a HUGE white stripe where someone had rubbed their bumper along my left rear quarter panel/bumper area. I mean HUGE. Multiple contact points, multiple paint lines and at least 2 deep scratch's on an otherwise mint 10 year old car. I had owned the car literally 4 days total and someone already hit it. I was pissed. Thankfully im sure most of it will buff out but we'll have to see. :(
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I park as close to the door I'm going in as I can. I never park way out in the parking lot, and I have never had any problems with other people parking next to me. Maybe I'm lucky.
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