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Street racing standing still?


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  Not Brian said:
Don't mod your car with track-only parts unless you like paying tickets.. cops got them all in one spot, fish in a barrel.


then again what would you consider a track only part? other than some N2O maybe. and what kind of track?

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California is a state full of hippies and pussys. One of these days the fucker is gonna fall off and float out to sea. I can't fucking wait. All and I mean ALL of the bull shit laws regaurding cars and truck emissions standards were started because of these idiots building a city in a fucking bowl. I honestly think that the federal government should just give cali what they want and make them their own country. Fuck em'. California is gay.
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Just a perfect example of police oversteping their bounds and causing more animosity between people and law enforcement agencies. Just because people are hanging out in a parking lot doesn't mean they are going to go street race.


There is a right way and a wrong way to try and reduce illegal street racing and this is the wrong way.

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I'm sure some of the racers will get the charges dropped, but think of how much they'll still make. HOpefully, enough to make up for the half million + they fuckin spent to that. I left Cali just intime before they went completely ape shit with the mods and streetracing. Before, Cali was one of the best places for tuned cars anywhere in the states. :(
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  Not Brian said:
It is nice to know they impounded a pile of uninsured cars though, I know I'd be furious if they went out racing and ran into me.



No where does it say that they were uninsured. They will impound your car for having an illegal motor swap, that's probably where the bulk of those impounds came from. They'll impound your Civic if it's sporting any motor that didn't come in the car stock and the police are trained to know what motors are stock vs. swapped.

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  LPFSTheFett said:
There is a right way and a wrong way to try and reduce illegal street racing and this is the wrong way.




While I'm sure we're not getting the whole story -- perhaps this club has a bad history of street racing, fucking things up in the community, maybe a tragic situation similar to what happened here in Columbus not long ago occurred there and they didn't handle it as well as we at CR did -- this is absolutely correct. Wait outside for the guys who are actually going to go break laws; get the guys who go out and burn rubber on the street, who kick out the back end coming out of the lot, ones who are WILLFULLY breaking driving laws, not just meeting in the lot. If their meets are even CLOSE to normal car enthusiast meets, there'll be at least a dozen tickets issued for reckless op.

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