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I Am Cured!!!


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Well for most of my life I have been having issues where I would go through the day and fall a sleep at any time, around my family, friends, and even work..almost loosing my job, also while driving. Well finaly I got sick of being yelled at, and went to my doctor and told him that I have been having trouble staying awake throughout the day. He told me that he was 100% sure I had sleep apnea, and decided to send me to a sleep clinic. Well as it turns out when I sleep at night, I never fall into a REM sleep "Rapid Eye Movement" deep sleeps where you are supposed to be, instead I would actualy stop breathing 84 times! When I heard that I could not believe it...and came back for another test because the doctors could not even believe it. But on my 2nd test came back the same.


Who would have known that all these years I would have had something like this and to think even to check it!


Anyway I now have a CPAP machine to help me breath through the night when I sleep, and I have been on this machine for a week now and I have NEVER felt this good in my intire life. My wife is so happy now that I am not lying around the house and nodding off driving my car anymore etc. I am more active throughout the day, and also within the last week I have even thought of some ideas that may be able to pattened at my work, some new CRAZY ideas that just popped in my head to help the molding processes at Columbus Steel. My manager see's the new improvment in my work ethic and I am doing more everyday.


So in short. I suggest if you have health insurance at your work and have the same symtoms as stated above...go and see your doctor and just maybe you can get the same help I did...I feel so happy to be alive!!!


Thanks for reading and God Bless everyone!

Daniel Weaver

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Seriously, congrats on the cure. I bet you and many of us could never realize the importance of sleep.


Ironically, it's somewhat funny and scarey that someone with a screen name 12SecT@lon, who works at Steel Plant was nodding off during the day. :D


I had bad sleep issues due to a breathing problem of a different kind. Had sinus surgery about 4 years ago and since have been breathing like never before. 70% blocked on one side and 30% on the other. Now I'm 110% clear through and through.

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gratz man I had sleep apnea for a long time adn ddi not know it I would be sleepy as hell all the time. Then finally I got tested I woke 50+ times in a hour.


I think mine went away I need to get retested but I'm pretty sure I have.





Well for most of my life I have been having issues where I would go through the day and fall a sleep at any time, around my family, friends, and even work..almost loosing my job, also while driving. Well finaly I got sick of being yelled at, and went to my doctor and told him that I have been having trouble staying awake throughout the day. He told me that he was 100% sure I had sleep apnea, and decided to send me to a sleep clinic. Well as it turns out when I sleep at night, I never fall into a REM sleep "Rapid Eye Movement" deep sleeps where you are supposed to be, instead I would actualy stop breathing 84 times! When I heard that I could not believe it...and came back for another test because the doctors could not even believe it. But on my 2nd test came back the same.


Who would have known that all these years I would have had something like this and to think even to check it!


Anyway I now have a CPAP machine to help me breath through the night when I sleep, and I have been on this machine for a week now and I have NEVER felt this good in my intire life. My wife is so happy now that I am not lying around the house and nodding off driving my car anymore etc. I am more active throughout the day, and also within the last week I have even thought of some ideas that may be able to pattened at my work, some new CRAZY ideas that just popped in my head to help the molding processes at Columbus Steel. My manager see's the new improvment in my work ethic and I am doing more everyday.


So in short. I suggest if you have health insurance at your work and have the same symtoms as stated above...go and see your doctor and just maybe you can get the same help I did...I feel so happy to be alive!!!


Thanks for reading and God Bless everyone!

Daniel Weaver

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my Fiance has told me a hand full of times that she thinks that I have it and I stop breathing alot during the night... maybe I should get checked... what do they do for the test?

Your physician prescribes a overnight sleep study that you go to. Before you go to sleep they hook a bunch of wires to your head, arms, legs, and chest and you fall asleep. They also hook sensors near your eyes that monitor if you fall into REM sleep. They record it through out the night. I had a sleep study last year.

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sounds like you'd be too uncomfortable to go to sleep

You manage to sleep eventually. The second time I took the test I was so tired that I immediately fell asleep. The test is pricey though, my first test was $1,939.00 and the second one was $2,116.00. After insurance kicked in I only had to pay 360. The test is well worth the money though, it could save your life.

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I think that's great you figured out what it was and now you feel better! My mother has the same thing and has to sleep with the mask and all. It made such an incredible difference in her life. There were times during the test that her oxygen level would drop to 70 or under. Her doctor told her that because of the lack of oxygen and the strain it puts your body through that it was like running a marathon every night! No wonder you were always tired!

Enjoy your new found health and happiness! :thumbup:

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The CPAP Machine fucking sucks, I had my Tonsils, Uvula, and adnoids removed and a Deviated Septum corrected. I took the machine back to the fucking hack of a doctor (Dr. Sumater) had him retest me after the surgery and get the diagnosis off my Medical records. I actually talked to him twice through the whole process. I sleep like a baby and need no Machine like Sumater told me was the only answer because he is in the business selling machines. I am curred, you are making due. Life insurance and health benefits can be affected with the diagnosis on your record.


Go see an ENT and get a second opinion, it's worth your time, surgery is not for everyone, and despite being the most painfull surgery I have had I would do it again for the benefits. Again FUCK that CPAP, it sucks.

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Ghost I think your plain silly. The cpap is not annoying when you've lived your life with out sleep.


Was for me, I had severe sleep Apnea according to that hack, I had a hard time sleeping and it was worse when I had the machine. I would knock it off in the middle of the night, I tried a nose mask and then a full face mask, I would rip it off in my sleep. Not to mention I had to take AmbienCR just to fall asleep with that thing on my face. That was something I didn't want to get hooked on. So I went to an ENT, Clifton Hood in Westerville, he was very direct with me and made sure I wanted the surgery, he warned me several times that it was really going to suck but it could have huge benifits after I healed. He was right it sucked and I have no Apnea anymore.


BTW my Oxygen would drop into the low 80 upper 70s while I was asleep. Anything below 94 is severe, that was what I was told.

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Here's an other benefit, I had a deviated septum, and my sinuses would never drain properly, I would get a sinus infection every couple of months in the winter, which would turn into Bronchitis. Ever since I had the deviated septum corrected I sleep with my mouth closed and haven't had a sinus infection or Bronchitis since the surgery in Jan 07. I feels so cool to breathe through your nose, I had never been able to do that my entire life, I was the snotty kid in school.
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Ghost I think your plain silly. The cpap is not annoying when you've lived your life with out sleep.


I see where he is coming from in a way. I think he is just giving a different option for sleep apnea. The CPAP machine is not a cure but it helps tremendously from what I have been told.

Some people sleep on their stomach or side to alleviate the issue as in some cases of sleep apnea it is aggravated by sleeping on your back since as you relax your tongue slips to the back of throat.

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What's the difference between sleep apnea and just plain not getting enough sleep? Not trying to be a smart ass, but half or more of my days at work i just think "god, i feel like i could use an extra 3 hours"... This was especially bad back when I started at 7AM, it was pretty much daily that i was tired as hell for the 12+ hours at work. Days off were fine though, or the random day where i managed to get a full 8 hours.
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I have a Cpap and don't use it. It does nothing for me. I have talked to my doctor and after finding the info about the toncels and such on my own I brought it up to him and he was like ya you should prob get those removed :rolleyes: . SO as soon as I get insurance I am getting Tonsils, Uvula, and adnoids removed and a Deviated Septum corrected. I never thought I whould be so pumped to be in so much pain. I can not wait to not feel "in a fog " all the time
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I dont see anyone has mentioned it but it is weight related normally. So losing weight will help also. Good luck to everybody who posted.


You read my mind. It is VERY rare to find sleep apnea cases in people who are at their target weight or even a bit above it. Sleep Apnea is a direct result of being overweight.


My brother did the same exact thing but in relation with working out and eating right. Now he only has to use the machine sparingly. Which sucks considering how much the damn thing costs :(


Oh and Jeffmeden, Dan explained Sleep Apnea in his first post. You sleep but you dont fall COMPLETELY asleep. Mostly because your breathing is hampered and you often stop breathing while sleeping.

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Oh and Jeffmeden, Dan explained Sleep Apnea in his first post. You sleep but you dont fall COMPLETELY asleep. Mostly because your breathing is hampered and you often stop breathing while sleeping.


So you knowingly wake up a lot during the night? My impression of the description is that you may not actually feel like you wake up until the next morning, but during the night your body is pulled away from deep sleep due to your breathing pattern. Do people suffering with apnea ever have dreams?

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Most of the time u have no idea Jeff. Normally you feel tired as shit and bad during the day. You are always tired and to the extreme of falling asleep during th day. Also, whoever you sleep with would prolly notice you being restless gasping for breaths snoring etc. Basically you brain isnt getting enough oxygen.
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