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Helmets Dangerous w/ Air Bags???


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I was reading Lawnman's Helmet post.... And got to thinking.... If wearing a Full Face Helmet while driving a car equiped with air bags and the worst happend and you wreck and the bag deploys could that be bad.... For your neck the way it could spin the helmet? Just Curious.... Maybe a open face be safer????
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There are alot of guys on this site that race , I wonder how many of the serious racers still have the air bag functional ?

I would still think you are safer in a crash with a full face helmet. Then again I am not too sure how much difference there is between the open face and closed face helmets. I know NASCAR allowed open face helmets as recently as 5 years ago. I believe N.A.S.A. allows open faced helmets .

The only reason I bought a full face helmet was I raced a roadster and was always worried about bugs or debris hitting me in my face . I became more comfortable with a full face helmet .

That is the reason I like the full face helmets.

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