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The V8 Beast Does Dynotune.

Guest Hal

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I have decided I will no longer type in this thread (unless some asshat really pisses me off). I will let my pictures do the talking.


I just wanted to stop in and say HI!




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My ego control allows me to not go and street race just to pump up the size of my e-penis. I figure if i'm going to do it, it will be legal... maybe i'm just growing up, but this stuff makes me lol now.


Not to speak for anyone else, but for me, going to the track makes me want to race on the street 100x more. I went to trails opening day mostly because the weather was great and it was down-right painful watching the same primered "Muscle" cars run over and over (While watching them clean the track every 5th pairing due to one of them breaking) while the "Street" cars sat in line. I was there 3-4 hours and the majority of the street cars hadnt even made a 2nd pass. No thanks.


Street racing is like anything else. If you are smart about where, when, and how you race it is just as safe (And arguably safer) than racing on the track. I manage to break a speed limit every single day (Not anything extreme -- maybe 5-10mph over) and I am sure if I really kept track I break a few random piss-ant laws daily so the "Legality" issue isnt a big one for me. The penalty for "Street racing" is obviously a bit more severe but I am curious if anyone has ever been ticketed for it (Not speeding, actually street racing) during/after a roll race. No one that I have ever heard of and that is going back to 1999-2000 (Damn I am old :) )


There is just no comparison (For me anyway) to doing legal track passes against whatever happens to be sitting beside you Vs actually racing somebdy you feel would be a good race (Or somebody you cant stand or a good friend or a Ford since you drive a GM etc etc) and having it be more of a competitive thing in a street race.


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Dang nabbit Jeff I said I wasnt going to type anymore.


I have to agree you do get a lot of fun out of roll racing, and doing a lot of things in life are dangerous. The decision I made was based on the fact that it was nothing more than a cheap thrill. Of all the hobbies I have ever picked up in my 29 years on this planet this was the only one thats not legal. I am an extremely competitive person, but I also like to think of myself as an intelligent person. If I race any of you on the street and win what do I gain.... Nothing. Thats because if I win someone will make excuses. Not to mention if I lose everyone will forget about it in 3 weeks. People on this board are very childish (me included at times), and need to realize that their "street cred" is not worth anything. If you want to go out and race to 140+ have fun. Tires blow, people hit slick spots, and random things happen that cause wrecks. If it happens to me emergency personel will be 20 feet away rather than a phone call away. If I win or lose it really doesnt mean anything. I seriously have enough money to make my car faster than 99% of this board. Over the last 2 years I got sucked into the hype and put $20k worth of parts in my car. What I do now to my car going forward is for me and has to make sense... or I'm not doing it. I mod it with drivability and power in mind, not to beat Sam, or to one up Linn. That is no longer motivational enough to make me open my wallet, or get on the highway and race.


Have fun street racing if you do it. Just be safe and use your brains people.

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I have to agree you do get a lot of fun out of roll racing, and doing a lot of things in life are dangerous. The decision I made was based on the fact that it was nothing more than a cheap thrill. Of all the hobbies I have ever picked up in my 29 years on this planet this was the only one thats not legal. I am an extremely competitive person, but I also like to think of myself as an intelligent person. If I race any of you on the street and win what do I gain.... Nothing. Thats because if I win someone will make excuses. Not to mention if I lose everyone will forget about it in 3 weeks. People on this board are very childish (me included at times), and need to realize that their "street cred" is not worth anything. If you want to go out and race to 140+ have fun. Tires blow, people hit slick spots, and random things happen that cause wrecks. If it happens to me emergency personel will be 20 feet away rather than a phone call away. If I win or lose it really doesnt mean anything. I seriously have enough money to make my car faster than 99% of this board. Over the last 2 years I got sucked into the hype and put $20k worth of parts in my car. What I do now to my car going forward is for me and has to make sense... or I'm not doing it. I mod it with drivability and power in mind, not to beat Sam, or to one up Linn. That is no longer motivational enough to make me open my wallet, or get on the highway and race.


Just be safe and use your brains people.


To me the safety issue is a wash. Racing at the track is dangerous. Racing on the street is dangerous. Racing is dangerous.


Racing at the track offers me zero in the way of competition but provides me a little slip of paper for all of my time and money. It tells me I suck for the money and time invested or maybe some of it was worth it. Either way, it doesnt make me feel any better about getting half-tracked by the 8-second Nova I was "Racing" or finishing before the stock '89 Tempo even reached the 60-ft mark. I dunno, call me crazy. I haven't "Got it" in all the years I have been into cars and doubt I ever will.


Drag racing at the track is like waiting in line 3 hours for that Power Tower at Cedar Point. It drops straight down. It feels cool for maybe a second or two. Its over. I walk away in complete and total disbelief that I just wasted 3 hours of my life for that lol. Now if every time I went out it was like a private day where you could easily get 10-15 passes in and feel like you actually learned something (Working on launches and shift points and tunes etc etc) that would be a different story.


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What is funny is the guy said he is not racing on the street. The sooner all of you just say ok and back off the better. Trying to persuade him is a waste of time. There are alot of other elements that have to do with that also!





Brian just pm'ed me asking me if I wanted to dig race him on the street tonight at Central point. I am goin to meet him there and do it. :cool:

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What is funny is the guy said he is not racing on the street. The sooner all of you just say ok and back off the better. Trying to persuade him is a waste of time. There are alot of other elements that have to do with that also!

I will take Brian on the street for any amount of money anyone wants to put on it. :rolleyes:

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