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Out with the 4 banger in BIG V8!


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I know someone that had a Monster Miata had the Mustang 5.0 engine thing was quick for sure and would roast tires with no problem. Cool cars great hp to weight ratio especially if you completely strip the miata.
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  Mensan said:
No one who weighs more than 150 lbs could ever be comfortable in a Miata.


Actually I fit quite well in a Miata. I don't know what everyone complains about. Tall guys might have a problems, but average height guys like me should fit ok, even which some extra luggage.

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Guest mrhobbz
  spankis said:
Ah, the petty battle continues.....you guys should just start responding to eachother's posts in pms, srsly.


Not sure what "battle" you are talking about :\ you fail.

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  Mensan said:
No one who weighs more than 150 lbs could ever be comfortable in a Miata.




I weigh on the high side of 240 lbs, I have daily driven mine since I was 16 and have never once felt uncomfortable in it. If you have long legs, then it might be a different story.

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As tall as I am, I fit surprisingly well in the early cars, leg room goes away until the new models that are out now and they are so-so.


A V8 mitat has got to be a ton of fun. All that torque, little weight, and short wheel base = donut monster.

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So thats my car/vid. I saw that this thread was sending a decent bit of traffic to my video so I stop by to say hey.


I'm 5'7" and 160lbs and fit great in the miata...haha. My roomates are 6'2" and 6'3" but they can fit, its a tight squeeze for head and leg room though, especially with the top on.


I agree the video isn't me doing crazy runs but thats because I still don't have all the bugs worked out of the car. Like I don't have any sway bars at the moment and that makes the handling all sloppy and not confident inspiring. Anyone that knows me would never say I'm a pussy driver, I normally go balls to the wall.


I am going to a track day friday and will get some more exciting video then.

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Been in a couple friends Miata's. My size wasn't a problem, however, my height was. I have long legs and the last time I tried to drive one, I had shorts on and couldn't hardly turn the steering wheel without removing skin. Couldn't fit worth a shit in my buddy's 94 mustang, either. Never drove it, but my knees were in the dashboard with the seat back on the passenger side. Now, my buddies mr2 spyder, which looks as small if not more so than a miata, I fit great as driver or passenger.
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  Mensan said:
No one who weighs more than 150 lbs could ever be comfortable in a Miata.



I sat in a newer one with the top up. Nothing like your head being smashed into the top. Cramped leg-room too. 6'3", 215 lbs. I'm tall, but not super tall by any means.

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  Kevin R. said:
I don't care either way about Miata seat fitment or not, but that video was fucking gay. OMG highway run to 90! My mom does that when she merges faster than that.



From the looks of it the speedo is off too. Unless everyone drives around at 95-100mph on the highway he's on. But thats always a possibility.

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