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Open Wheeled car driving around downtown tonight?


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Right now there is a Bud Light/Jim Beam sponsored open wheeled car (Formula 1/indycar style) that keeps driving around the block downtown around my apartment. What gives? :confused: It's got small headlights on the front wing and everything..... It looks like it has room for 2 passengers one in front and one right behind kind of like an airplane cockpit. Must be some kind of promotional thing, I think they may be giving rides? Kind of crazy to see one tooling around on the streets, especially at 10:00 pm. Just wondering if anyone knows whats up...
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It may be. However, I do remember someone posting on here about a gentelman living near them who had something like this he occasionally drove around or some shit.


On a vaguely similar subject, I saw a Caterham off of Klondike Rd. (part of a little drive I like to take up here near Delaware) just this past weekend.

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It's a promotional indy car for Jim Beam, the car is essentially an indy car that has been extended to fit a passenger behind the driver. It has a detuned V8, running lights, turn signals, etc.. They were over at Weilands on Indianola twice last year and we stopped in and talked to the crew the one day. It's totally a promotional thing and it is very cool to see them on the street. You can always hear it coming thats for sure.


Here is a picture i found, not here in Columbus, but i'm pretty sure this is what your talking about.....



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It's a promotional indy car for Jim Beam, the car is essentially an indy car that has been extended to fit a passenger behind the driver. It has a detuned V8, running lights, turn signals, etc.. They were over at Weilands on Indianola twice last year and we stopped in and talked to the crew the one day. It's totally a promotional thing and it is very cool to see them on the street. You can always hear it coming thats for sure.


Here is a picture i found, not here in Columbus, but i'm pretty sure this is what your talking about.....



Thats the car. Bastard kept me up late , as he was doing laps until about 1:00 am. I was hoping he would curb it showing off to the Brothers crowd.

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I was at brothers when that thing kept taking people for rides around the block...sounded like shit. The guy would floor it and it would barely go anywhere...and it caused traffic problems because apparently it cant make very sharp turns so it had to wait for traffic in the on-coming turning lane to move before it can make a turn.lol
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actually better at 200mph and horrible below 160mph. When talking with some drivers during the Indy event sponsored by a customer of mine one year, they explained how rock solid velcro like the car is at 200mph vs 160mph.


in the curves they say the car exhibits downforces equivilent to 3x the car sitting still. In fact the spring rates are like 2000+ lbs per inch to keep the car from scraping the ground in the corners.


we joked about racing being a 'sport' or a driver an 'athlete' and they all responded that even the most physically fit person driving an indy car for even 10 minutes at those speeds would step out of it and need to go to a back doctor for neck and spine therapy thanks to 3-4g's of force in the curves. however they wouldn't be able to use their arms as they'd feel lifeless.


pretty interesting conversation and it gave me total respect for what they do to keep focused during an entire race.



Bet it handles pretty well at 200 mph.



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