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Illegals who actually work + pay taxes > Idiot citizens who have five kids and have no job...


You dont have to be an illegal immigrant to drive without auto insurance...


PS: way to make fun of the Native Americans, who by all rights should be in charge of this country. The mexicans just want to work, whitey came in and fucking killed and raped everyone, while stomping his feet and yelling "mine!"



Gawwwwwwwwwwwwd, I hate white people.


I know right, because an illegal immigrant has never murdered or raped anyone at all, ever in the history of the world. It is all about perception and obviously yours is fucked up to think they are only here to work. Yes it is bad on both ends and I say something needs to be done about illegals and welfare because both systems are broke and nothing more than a drain on our society and economy. I like the idea of deporting illegals and making welfare recipients do the jobs they have been doing.

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I know right, because an illegal immigrant has never murdered or raped anyone at all, ever in the history of the world. It is all about perception and obviously yours is fucked up to think they are only here to work. Yes it is bad on both ends and I say something needs to be done about illegals and welfare because both systems are broke and nothing more than a drain on our society and economy. I like the idea of deporting illegals and making welfare recipients do the jobs they have been doing.




...Wait.... did you just steal the point that I was trying to make, and then try to make it your own, and then put an addendum at the end where you take jobs away from people who WANT to work, who probably went through some serious shit and left their families behind in a scary and unstable place just to GET A JOB.... and give them to lazy, ignorant people who cant figure out that having more kids when you already cant support the ones you have is bad?








Good work. Gold star for you!

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Hmm I will go slow so you understand ok, I see that you are behind the power curve on basic comprehension. First statement that went like this "I know right, because an illegal immigrant has never murdered or raped anyone at all, ever in the history of the world." <- that was sarcasm, when you finally get that go ahead and read on......


Ready? Here was the next one "I like the idea of deporting illegals and making welfare recipients do the jobs they have been doing."

Ok this one, my fault I guess I was a little too vague and we seem to have some people here that are a little slow so I will go more into depth. I was trying to say that deporting the illegals, that is people who are here against the law, would solve the problem of illegals being here taking care of one issue. However that creates another issue of who will do the jobs? Well we could MAKE the welfare people do them as in, if they want to continue to be on welfare then they will have to actually do something to earn that income and that will be the jobs given to them by the Government. That means the jobs still get done, and there would be more incentive to get off welfare so that you would not have to do the shit jobs anymore. Now does that make more sense to you or should I step it down to a kindergarten reading level so that you can understand?

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Hmm I will go slow so you understand ok, I see that you are behind the power curve on basic comprehension. First statement that went like this "I know right, because an illegal immigrant has never murdered or raped anyone at all, ever in the history of the world." <- that was sarcasm, when you finally get that go ahead and read on......


Ready? Here was the next one "I like the idea of deporting illegals and making welfare recipients do the jobs they have been doing."

Ok this one, my fault I guess I was a little too vague and we seem to have some people here that are a little slow so I will go more into depth. I was trying to say that deporting the illegals, that is people who are here against the law, would solve the problem of illegals being here taking care of one issue. However that creates another issue of who will do the jobs? Well we could MAKE the welfare people do them as in, if they want to continue to be on welfare then they will have to actually do something to earn that income and that will be the jobs given to them by the Government. That means the jobs still get done, and there would be more incentive to get off welfare so that you would not have to do the shit jobs anymore. Now does that make more sense to you or should I step it down to a kindergarten reading level so that you can understand?




Uhhh... before you try and make someone else look stupid, maybe you should make sure that you dont sound like an ignorant jackass.


You literally just restated the post that I previously tore apart. Again, youre taking jobs from people who want them (that went to great, arduous lengths to get those jobs) and giving them to people who would rather sit at home and collect a paycheck off of our money? Why would you want someone who DOESNT want to do a job more than someone who does? Because they got lucky and were born within our borders? No wonder this country is going to hell in a handbasket, we'd rather reward luck than hard work and dedication.


Of course, this is even assuming that the people on welfare would be able to be made to work, or that the companies in question would be able to stay in business while having to replace/retrain a significant part of their work force, etc...


I'll avoid throwing any petty insults your way, because I dont need to rely on talking big to make you look like a fool... you take care of most of that yourself.

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Uhhh... before you try and make someone else look stupid, maybe you should make sure that you dont sound like an ignorant jackass.


You literally just restated the post that I previously tore apart. Again, youre taking jobs from people who want them (that went to great, arduous lengths to get those jobs) and giving them to people who would rather sit at home and collect a paycheck off of our money? Why would you want someone who DOESNT want to do a job more than someone who does? Because they got lucky and were born within our borders? No wonder this country is going to hell in a handbasket, we'd rather reward luck than hard work and dedication.


Of course, this is even assuming that the people on welfare would be able to be made to work, or that the companies in question would be able to stay in business while having to replace/retrain a significant part of their work force, etc...


I'll avoid throwing any petty insults your way, because I dont need to rely on talking big to make you look like a fool... you take care of most of that yourself.



I say send both, the illegals and the worthless people who will not work and only collect wellfare, 2 birds one stone. ;)

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I say send both, the illegals and the worthless people who will not work and only collect wellfare, 2 birds one stone. ;)

we need to boycott wendys mcdonalds i stop going to mcdonalds on west mound st an i told the manger that it sad that i dont see no american people working there. american people will not go out an protest for what we belive in.we need to hit the street with picket signs.stop spending your money at these places that have illegals.an call the city code inforcement when you see 2 or 3 familys in one house there is a law for that if they are renting get in touch with the owners an let them no.

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Uhhh... before you try and make someone else look stupid, maybe you should make sure that you dont sound like an ignorant jackass.


You literally just restated the post that I previously tore apart. Again, youre taking jobs from people who want them (that went to great, arduous lengths to get those jobs) and giving them to people who would rather sit at home and collect a paycheck off of our money? Why would you want someone who DOESNT want to do a job more than someone who does? Because they got lucky and were born within our borders? No wonder this country is going to hell in a handbasket, we'd rather reward luck than hard work and dedication.


Of course, this is even assuming that the people on welfare would be able to be made to work, or that the companies in question would be able to stay in business while having to replace/retrain a significant part of their work force, etc...


I'll avoid throwing any petty insults your way, because I dont need to rely on talking big to make you look like a fool... you take care of most of that yourself.



I disagree here as i work around mexican'ts. i say ship all ILLEGAL PEOPLE, not just mexicans back to there country. Just b/c they float over on there little boat, or jump a fence being chanced or whatever, dont give them the right to be in america. IF THEY WANT TO WORK HERE, PAY THE DAMN TAX, JOIN THE MILATARY AND BE AN AMERICAN, not a half ass. They could come here the correct way but they dont wana pay the taxs and such. they just wana work for 8$ an hour tax free.


I've seen where only one guy gets paid and tehn he gives each person there share, or 20 fuckers living in one house and 2 people drive and the other 18 get into there little car/van. why do you think mexico is the way it is????? think that this might have something to do with it?????

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I disagree here as i work around mexican'ts. i say ship all ILLEGAL PEOPLE, not just mexicans back to there country. Just b/c they float over on there little boat, or jump a fence being chanced or whatever, dont give them the right to be in america. IF THEY WANT TO WORK HERE, PAY THE DAMN TAX, JOIN THE MILATARY AND BE AN AMERICAN, not a half ass. They could come here the correct way but they dont wana pay the taxs and such. they just wana work for 8$ an hour tax free.


I've seen where only one guy gets paid and tehn he gives each person there share, or 20 fuckers living in one house and 2 people drive and the other 18 get into there little car/van. why do you think mexico is the way it is????? think that this might have something to do with it?????





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Well Hefty the great thing about my idea is that if the lazy welfare people do not want to work and just want to sit around guess what? They would get booted off the welfare system and we would not have to worry about them anyway.


I do not have a problem with people that want to come here and make a better life, I am all for it. However is it too much to ask for them to do it legally and actually EARN all of the benefits they think they deserve? I don't. My big thing is they are not here to just work and provide, if they were they would work harder on being citizens, what they are doing is raping us and our economy so that they can go back to their country. If you don't believe that then your a bigger fool than I thought!


I won't say all are here to do that, some are working for citizenship and trying to do the right thing, but the overwhelming majority could really give a fuck less and that is what pisses me off, especially when they also want welfare and other goverment help without giving anything back in return.

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Well Hefty the great thing about my idea is that if the lazy welfare people do not want to work and just want to sit around guess what? They would get booted off the welfare system and we would not have to worry about them anyway.


I do not have a problem with people that want to come here and make a better life, I am all for it. However is it too much to ask for them to do it legally and actually EARN all of the benefits they think they deserve? I don't. My big thing is they are not here to just work and provide, if they were they would work harder on being citizens, what they are doing is raping us and our economy so that they can go back to their country. If you don't believe that then your a bigger fool than I thought!


I won't say all are here to do that, some are working for citizenship and trying to do the right thing, but the overwhelming majority could really give a fuck less and that is what pisses me off, especially when they also want welfare and other goverment help without giving anything back in return.



...How many illegal immigrants have you talked to?

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Well since I don't speak spanish it really would not matter how many I talked to because I would not understand them anyway.




...So you're making broad, generalizing accusations/demands of an entire group of people... none of which you've ever spoken to, nor have the ability to understand?

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Illegals who actually work + pay taxes > Idiot citizens who have five kids and have no job...


You dont have to be an illegal immigrant to drive without auto insurance....

God you are a fucking douche.


I can't stand the welfare state either and feel there needs to be a big change in that too, but WTF does that have to do with illegals (other than them finding ways to suck welfare-type resources).


- They are here AGAINST OUR LAWS. Sadly, we aren't enforcing our laws.


- I don't give a shit how hard they are working for their family. There is a legal way to be here. If you aren't here legally, get the fuck out.


- Sure there are plenty of legals driving without insurance. But pretty much ALL illegals are driving without it. Then when you get hit, they give a generic name, never show to court, and that's the end of it. You are better off smashing their face in when it happens, then contest the assult charge...that way they are stuck coming to court (which of course they won't do).


You are probably the same idiot that thinks this country won't run if we deport the illegals.

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God you are a fucking douche.


I can't stand the welfare state either and feel there needs to be a big change in that too, but WTF does that have to do with illegals (other than them finding ways to suck welfare-type resources).


- They are here AGAINST OUR LAWS. Sadly, we aren't enforcing our laws.


- I don't give a shit how hard they are working for their family. There is a legal way to be here. If you aren't here legally, get the fuck out.


- Sure there are plenty of legals driving without insurance. But pretty much ALL illegals are driving without it. Then when you get hit, they give a generic name, never show to court, and that's the end of it. You are better off smashing their face in when it happens, then contest the assult charge...that way they are stuck coming to court (which of course they won't do).


You are probably the same idiot that thinks this country won't run if we deport the illegals.



...If the country could run without them, they would already be gone.


If it wasnt ridiculously difficult to obtain actual citizenry, they would do it.


I know you're a cold, bitter, angry, small cocked individual, but I never thought I'd see you say that you dont care about hardworking people less fortunate than you because they were born somewhere else. It's one thing to have an unhealthy hatred of cars that are manufactured better than the ones made here, it's another thing to completely condemn 12 million people youve never personally talked to for reasons you picked up on http://www.letsfindsomethingelsetoblameourcountriesproblemson.com.

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...If the country could run without them, they would already be gone.


If it wasnt ridiculously difficult to obtain actual citizenry, they would do it.


I know you're a cold, bitter, angry, small cocked individual, but I never thought I'd see you say that you dont care about hardworking people less fortunate than you because they were born somewhere else. It's one thing to have an unhealthy hatred of cars that are manufactured better than the ones made here, it's another thing to completely condemn 12 million people youve never personally talked to for reasons you picked up on http://www.letsfindsomethingelsetoblameourcountriesproblemson.com.

Sorry I don't enjoy criminals being let run around.


There are plenty of able-bodied people doing the jobs they do as well, that ARE legal citizens.


You don't have to be a citizen to work here. My fiancée is here on a work Visa (should have her green card any month now...through work). Oh, what's that, I am going to marry someone that's not a citizen? You bet.


She didn't smuggle her ass into this country; she is here very legally and has every right to be. And if an illegal did the right thing and came in on a work Visa, I'd feel the same way about them.


Ask any cop how much of a problem illegals really are, even in Columbus, where the problem isn't nearly as bad as many parts of the country. Or I can listen to some douche that would rather let them suck the system dry, no matter how badly it hurts the US. And if you think they are bringing in nearly the tax money they are taking out, you are more of an idiot that I initally believed.


Ahh, my hatred for non-US cars. Odd...I've been pimping a Japanese car the past few weeks, and have spent most of my time behind the wheel the past few days in a German car. Go figure. And I was enjoying the German car as well...oh, because I'm not a fan of a lot of JAPANESE cars means I don't like foreign cars. Sorry, the best cars overall DO NOT come from Japan. That said, there are Japanese cars I enjoy as well (I'd love to pimp a new IS-F, for instance).


You sure do think a lot about my cock.

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[02:10] Manwithoutahat14: omg finally

[02:11] Manwithoutahat14: FINALLY

[02:11] Manwithoutahat14: you have no idea how happy i am

[02:12] Manwithoutahat14: someone on CR finally had a solid, grammatically correct, thought-out retort to one of my posts.

[02:13] Manwithoutahat14: im way too high to reply, but damn.

[02:13] Manwithoutahat14: wheeeeee

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