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Stealing gas will be considered grand theft in a few years


This is sad bad true. When i was 16 i bought gas for $.89, and drove all the time. If it was still $1, I wouldn't have to work 2 jobs. Less people would be out of work, and the economy wouldn't suck so bad. Bring on alternative fuels, more diesel, or something.

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This is sad bad true. When i was 16 i bought gas for $.89, and drove all the time. If it was still $1, I wouldn't have to work 2 jobs. Less people would be out of work, and the economy wouldn't suck so bad. Bring on alternative fuels, more diesel, or something.


Alternative Fuels like E85 are part of the reason the economy is in such a bad situation right now. Starting to play a major role in inflation. Corn prices are starting to go sky high because of the demand, so farmers start planting more and more corn. Now the other crops are going up because so much corn is being produced. Our E85 demand is also causing problems in other parts of the world. Farms are taking over cattle pastures to grow sow beans and other items because of demand, and the cattle farmers are tearing down rain forests for the cattle. More rain forests are being torn down now then before. While I think Human made global warming is a joke, those that do believe it's our fault will be happy to know Carbon being released into the atmosphere is MUCH worse today because the rainforests store so much Carbon in them.


Talk about making a bad situation worse. Plus on a Discover Channel show I watched a few years ago. It takes something crazy like 5-6 gallons of Gasoline to make 10 gallons of E85.


Our Govt has it's hands so deep in the oil companies pockets, I don't see a real solution to the gas problem coming from them at all.


Oh and I can't verify this as I haven't heard it directly, but I heard that when you go to the store you can't buy more then two bags of rice? Anybody verify?

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its funny how about a year ago when all this, over $3 a gallon business started to be a regular thing, gas companys and fuel sales were at record breaking numbers for profit. so if they were making record profit on such high cost of gas shouldnt that mean that their company's cost is still low and they are over charging and raping the public to hit those high profit numbers? i mean i might be missing something but for now based on that information im gunna call bs on fuel shortage.
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You work two jobs just to pay for gas?


Not just for gas, but to stay out of debt.


I really don't think any of us can tell the difference between truth and factual statements on this topic. There are so many groups out there with different interests, and I don't think much of what we hear about is truth.


If it costs so much gasoline to make E85 people wouldn't make it at all, I just don't get that.


Oil companies reporting record profits, not sales but profits, and gas keeps going up. Sounds like a monopoly to me, just doesn't make sense.


Call me simple minded but we are all in the dark, we are just getting screwed. So is it big oil? the government? Middleeasterners? Who really knows?

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Even if we knew the big reason we couldn't do anything about it except ride bikes. Just bend over and accept it or buy a huffy.


Thank You.


Yes, the gas prices suck, but why creat a new thread about it every few days to continue to discuss your dislike for the situation. It really doesn't matter. Pay the man and move on with your life..

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Alternative Fuels like E85 are part of the reason the economy is in such a bad situation right now. Starting to play a major role in inflation. Corn prices are starting to go sky high because of the demand, so farmers start planting more and more corn. Now the other crops are going up because so much corn is being produced. Our E85 demand is also causing problems in other parts of the world. Farms are taking over cattle pastures to grow sow beans and other items because of demand, and the cattle farmers are tearing down rain forests for the cattle. More rain forests are being torn down now then before. While I think Human made global warming is a joke, those that do believe it's our fault will be happy to know Carbon being released into the atmosphere is MUCH worse today because the rainforests store so much Carbon in them.


Talk about making a bad situation worse. Plus on a Discover Channel show I watched a few years ago. It takes something crazy like 5-6 gallons of Gasoline to make 10 gallons of E85.


Our Govt has it's hands so deep in the oil companies pockets, I don't see a real solution to the gas problem coming from them at all.


Oh and I can't verify this as I haven't heard it directly, but I heard that when you go to the store you can't buy more then two bags of rice? Anybody verify?


There's no real rice shortage and only Sam's Club is limiting the purchases of 40# bags of rice to 2 bags. I don't even think I'd use one fuckin 40lb bag let alone 2. I'm gonna strap one on the back/bottom of my car and poke a small hole in it and drive around town. You know, so I can find my way back later.


Also, ND2RACE, the fact that it takes so much other energy sources, ie, oil/gas to make E85 and yet is still be pushed, is simple, imo. Oil companies control, yet the public is in an upheaval with fuel prices, global warming, etc. So, they still have to make money and yet quell the masses. Solution? An 'alternative' fuel source that still makes them lots of money. THen you have, for lack of a better term, "farm/corn interest" groups. But guess what, these aren't your local ma and pa farmers. Those hardly exist anymore. It's about big corporate owned farms (they own many of the little guys, too.) Also, the government sucks up farms that can no longer make it on their own or say, "Hey, here's some money, but grow what we want." And guess who's pockets they have their hands in? Big oil. Really, it goes so much further than this, but as was said, who really, truly knows the whole story but those involved? And do they even know the whole story? It's all a big cluster fuck.

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Alternative Fuels like E85 are part of the reason the economy is in such a bad situation right now. Starting to play a major role in inflation. Corn prices are starting to go sky high because of the demand, so farmers start planting more and more corn. Now the other crops are going up because so much corn is being produced. Our E85 demand is also causing problems in other parts of the world. Farms are taking over cattle pastures to grow sow beans and other items because of demand, and the cattle farmers are tearing down rain forests for the cattle. More rain forests are being torn down now then before. While I think Human made global warming is a joke, those that do believe it's our fault will be happy to know Carbon being released into the atmosphere is MUCH worse today because the rainforests store so much Carbon in them.


Talk about making a bad situation worse. Plus on a Discover Channel show I watched a few years ago. It takes something crazy like 5-6 gallons of Gasoline to make 10 gallons of E85.


Our Govt has it's hands so deep in the oil companies pockets, I don't see a real solution to the gas problem coming from them at all.


Oh and I can't verify this as I haven't heard it directly, but I heard that when you go to the store you can't buy more then two bags of rice? Anybody verify?


The E85 corn/food shortage is a very blurry argument. It seems like theres a lot of evidence on both sides, so I'm kind of confused on whether its good or not. The best thing about it though is that its around the same price as regular gas once you figure in the additional amount required, but it's basically race gas. Plenty of people are running 20-25psi un-intercooled with this shit, so I'd like to see it stay around.


The next big thing for E85 though is supposed to be some plant called switchgrass. I was talking to one of the chemists at work about it, and from what I remember its something like 700% energy efficient (energy in to grow it versus out), and its a piece of shit plant that can grow anywhere, so it wont take up farm space. Also, its not food so it wont be a food vs. fuel thing. He also said GM has invested some big money into switchgrass.

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