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New NIN album - free


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?? the shitty MP3 is a .zip but everything else is a .torrent. for once newsgroups ARENT the shit.



seriously though, trent reznor is awesome for just saying "fuck you" to the record industry on his last bits of musical genius.

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Yea i can deal with "the shitty MP3" my ears can't tell the difference


the only reason i can is cuz i have a hipster roommate who insists on listening to everything on vinyl. i gave him shit for it (and still do) but good quality sound compared to crummy quality actually has become discernable. its not like i can no longer stand to listen to "inferior" sound, but if there's a higher quality option available, why not use that?

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the only reason i can is cuz i have a hipster roommate who insists on listening to everything on vinyl. i gave him shit for it (and still do) but good quality sound compared to crummy quality actually has become discernable. its not like i can no longer stand to listen to "inferior" sound, but if there's a higher quality option available, why not use that?

i only listen to music at work and with my mp3 player while running, and i only listen to it through shitty earbud speaker things. So yea i can't tell the difference. Now if you had a decent stereo system then I could see why you would want the better alternative.

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i believe we'll see a lot of bands doing this.

didnt nin just have that year zero cd?

It was released last year; I think it's one of Reznor's best works. He released Ghosts I-IV after that, but that was all instrumental.

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i only listen to music at work and with my mp3 player while running, and i only listen to it through shitty earbud speaker things. So yea i can't tell the difference. Now if you had a decent stereo system then I could see why you would want the better alternative.

1979 Pioneer receiver, 4xTechnics wood speakers from the same year. my mom's stuff from college.


I can't say "they just don't make it the same nowadays" cuz new technology is badass, but the old speakers have a really uniquely clear sound. extremely well balanced

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  • 2 weeks later...
if someone can host it, i can put the album up


I got the M4A format from the torrent, never used one of those before. The coolest thing about this is I uploaded it to my iPhone and each song has a different pic for the screen and when you touch the screen it shows the lyrics for that song. I haven't had that happen with any other album. Pretty cool.

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  • 1 month later...
the only reason i can is cuz i have a hipster roommate who insists on listening to everything on vinyl. i gave him shit for it (and still do) but good quality sound compared to crummy quality actually has become discernable. its not like i can no longer stand to listen to "inferior" sound, but if there's a higher quality option available, why not use that?


are you saying that vinyl is worse quality? I suppose it depends on what you define quality as. I listened a digital recordings for a while then listened to a few vinyl's and I have heard sounds come out that I could never hear on the digital recordings, plus, vinyl can record lower bass frequencies ;)


OT: not my favorite NIN album but still good stuff.

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