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Finally over $4 a gallon....WTF!!!


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Whats the most profitable industry right now again ? While some bigwig asshole counts his billions we get hit in the mouth for every cent they can pound. As much as I love petrol vehicles for performance purposes, hopefully some other means of propulsion can takeover our daily driving needs. Long way off ... but cutting the middle east off of as many US dollars as possible is the best thing we could ever do.
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Whats the most profitable industry right now again ? While some bigwig asshole counts his billions we get hit in the mouth for every cent they can pound. As much as I love petrol vehicles for performance purposes, hopefully some other means of propulsion can takeover our daily driving needs. Long way off ... but cutting the middle east off of as many US dollars as possible is the best thing we could ever do.



Not oil....


They only make a 9% profit...


Microsoft makes like 35%

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Mother fucking WINNER!!!


The price of oil is 100% completely and utterly tied to the value of the dollar.


Watch it some day....



It's not that fucking hard to understand...




BTW there is no "Monopoly"


BTW gov't subsidies create unlimited demand


Oil speculators have very little to do with the price


It is Currancy speculators who aren't even in this country. The USD is traded WORLDWIDE


That theory doesn't hold water well. The dollar is up quite a bit in the past couple months. Check any chart. I will say that oil is traded in USD's though so some of that theory is right.



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Everyone always wants to know what someone else is going to do about their problems!! How about a reality check. Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".


These prices are begining to eat into peoples discretionary income and people are getting frustrated. Only at the point of frustration will people being to change their ways and allow supply/demand to begin to take a larger effect. On the bright side, SUV's are getting pretty cheap in used form.


Gas prices are not the governments problem, it's your problem. Single handedly or the State of Ohio can't do too much to change the outcome. The best thing you can do is change the way you live your life to fit the situation that has come to be. I just see too many people pissed because the world isn't catering their demands.

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That theory doesn't hold water well. The dollar is up quite a bit in the past couple months. Check any chart. I will say that oil is traded in USD's though so some of that theory is right.






It's not a theory, it's the truth... the dollar is very weak at a low

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Sure, gas prices suck. They are up a good $1 per gallon over last year. But you know what? It's costing me a grand total of maybe $13 more per week to fill up my car. Big f'n deal... :o
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Sure, gas prices suck. They are up a good $1 per gallon over last year. But you know what? It's costing me a grand total of maybe $13 more per week to fill up my car. Big f'n deal... :o



I know its only $13, But that $13 also buys a case of beer:D

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Guest 614Streets
The sad part is that people are bitching but I haven't heard anyone in power offer up a solution. The gov doesn't care because they have the power at this point. Until we “the people” gather together and force the issue, nothing will be done. Today people are more connected then ever. I’m communicating with people I have never met in person and sharing ideas with you all as well, all on a car forum. But can we use this connection to help each other? Or is it just for shooting the shit? Maybe…Just maybe we can do something on our level. CR has pulled together to do other random thing why not start using our voice for something that will have a bigger impact. I’m not talking about starting a million man march or knocking on the door of congress, but if we started brain storming reasonable ideas as to how we can have an impact or raise awareness maybe we can do something. Remember it takes on person to stand up and start something or in our case one group. I’m not very political but I do know the power of “the people” and that use to mean something. When the gov was afraid or at least respected the people. Now despite being able to get online and chat or post with someone around the country we are more separated then we were 50 years ago. Someone made the point that if we’re at war, why not just take the oil? I ask if we are at war why not use the power that we have to change it? We have to stick together and make a stand. Maybe $4.00 a gallon isn’t enough to bring people together to make a stand? But what will it take? $5.00 a gallon? Will people have to start getting laid off before they realize it’s a problem? This may seem like a stretch or harsh comparison but no one really started to care about the Nazi’s and what they were doing to the Jews until it got out of hand. I’m not saying that the gas prices are any where near that level but it is a similar situation to where people were being treated unfairly and it took a big change for the worse before anyone came together and did something about it. So ask yourself when is enough, enough? You may sit back and read this and think “Well I have enough $$$ that it’s not too bad for me. It sure does suck for everyone else?” The truth is that if we don’t stand together it will have to get worse before it gets better. That is my semi inspirational rant/




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The sad part is that people are bitching but I haven't heard anyone in power offer up a solution. The gov doesn't care because they have the power at this point. Until we “the people” gather together and force the issue, nothing will be done. Today people are more connected then ever. I’m communicating with people I have never met in person and sharing ideas with you all as well, all on a car forum. But can we use this connection to help each other? Or is it just for shooting the shit? Maybe…Just maybe we can do something on our level. CR has pulled together to do other random thing why not start using our voice for something that will have a bigger impact. I’m not talking about starting a million man march or knocking on the door of congress, but if we started brain storming reasonable ideas as to how we can have an impact or raise awareness maybe we can do something. Remember it takes on person to stand up and start something or in our case one group. I’m not very political but I do know the power of “the people” and that use to mean something. When the gov was afraid or at least respected the people. Now despite being able to get online and chat or post with someone around the country we are more separated then we were 50 years ago. Someone made the point that if we’re at war, why not just take the oil? I ask if we are at war why not use the power that we have to change it? We have to stick together and make a stand. Maybe $4.00 a gallon isn’t enough to bring people together to make a stand? But what will it take? $5.00 a gallon? Will people have to start getting laid off before they realize it’s a problem? This may seem like a stretch or harsh comparison but no one really started to care about the Nazi’s and what they were doing to the Jews until it got out of hand. I’m not saying that the gas prices are any where near that level but it is a similar situation to where people were being treated unfairly and it took a big change for the worse before anyone came together and did something about it. So ask yourself when is enough, enough? You may sit back and read this and think “Well I have enough $$$ that it’s not too bad for me. It sure does suck for everyone else?” The truth is that if we don’t stand together it will have to get worse before it gets better. That is my semi inspirational rant/


It's affecting some people, but not everyone quite yet. The reason that there is no one out there "solving" the problem, is because the problem isn't universal. People see the price of gas go up, but it doesn't have the same effect on everyone.....it's not a universal problem.


So until you can "rally" enough folks around the idea that it's a problem, your going to have trouble unifying people.



I agree with Wease here:

Sure, gas prices suck. They are up a good $1 per gallon over last year. But you know what? It's costing me a grand total of maybe $13 more per week to fill up my car. Big f'n deal...


I fill up once a week, 15 gallons X 1$ more per gallon - $15 more per week which is $60 more per month......which equals $720 more per year. I tell this to people ALL THE TIME....if the difference between you having money and you not having money is $15 per week...you've got A LOT more $$$$ problems than gasoline alone.


I'm really trying to discern if too many people have sand in their vagina....or people are seriously this broke??

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It's affecting some people, but not everyone quite yet. The reason that there is no one out there "solving" the problem, is because the problem isn't universal. People see the price of gas go up, but it doesn't have the same effect on everyone.....it's not a universal problem.


So until you can "rally" enough folks around the idea that it's a problem, your going to have trouble unifying people.



I agree with Wease here:


I fill up once a week, 15 gallons X 1$ more per gallon - $15 more per week which is $60 more per month......which equals $720 more per year. I tell this to people ALL THE TIME....if the difference between you having money and you not having money is $15 per week...you've got A LOT more $$$$ problems than gasoline alone.


I'm really trying to discern if too many people have sand in their vagina....or people are seriously this broke??


People feel an entitlement to cheap fuel because it was underpriced for so very long

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lots of people are seriously that broke. they've maxed out cc cards living above their means, they got fucked on homes, many have had job issues, health care is outta site, and oil/gas prices are driving everything through the roof. it's not just gas, but then gas alone affects way more than just ones funding for go-go juice.


I'm really trying to discern if too many people have sand in their vagina....or people are seriously this broke??

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lots of people are seriously that broke. they've maxed out cc cards living above their means, they fucked themselves on homes, many have had job issues, health care is outta site, and oil/gas prices are driving everything through the roof. it's not just gas, but then gas alone affects way more than just ones funding for go-go juice.



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People feel an entitlement to cheap fuel because it was underpriced for so very long



That's how I feel.....I personally know that I will most definitely make some lifestyle changes if it get's close to the $5 mark.....but that's life.

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If we are spending that much damn money fighting in Iraq, we might as well just take that f@cking counrty over and TAKE the oil. Who's with me!!!



Im pretty close here In Saudi Arabia... Meet me at the Border at Sundown Saturday I will bring my M4, M9 and My 240B.... Lets go get some oil!!!!

j/k Im comming home in three weeks... I will pay $4+ a gallon to never see these fuckers here again.

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yes and no.....we can argue that point in another thread....but in the end, regardless of what type of note someone signed on their house, it's a fact that the lending institutions, just like credit cards, mis-inform, twist and bait customers into deals they should never be part of. Buyer beware only goes so far. there's a level of accountability the lenders have in judging what is "good business" and what's not and they purposely overlooked the risks.


these are professionals that had some level of trust and integrity with their clients, typically clients who are not as well informed on the options and they took advantage of them. they didn't care that Johnny Broke Ass wouldn't be able to afford the house 6-12 months later as they knew another lender was going to step in and buy the loans they were closing before then. How many times has your note been sold? same with cc. companies....they will put a cc. in the hands of anyone with a pulse. poor business practices that hurt us all in the end.


live one day as a bankruptcy attorney and you'll see far more normal folks making good money that in the end made some bad choices based on mis-information that you'd ever imagined. most folks didn't go into a loan saying they want to buy 'that house'. they had the lender and realtor inform them as to what they felt was good for them. no different than you taking your kid to a doctor and seeking medical advice.


while there are many cases of dumb people, there are tons of cases of shitty lending practices. I have no simpathy for such lenders or any credit card company. they approve their clients, so it's their call to insure they pick ones who aren't in a position they shouldn't be in and they shouldn't be putting folks that are less informed in harms way as they have done.


Lenders knew exactly what they were doing and it's sweet justice that many of them are fucked now. cc. companies can go fuck themselves too.




lots of people are seriously that broke. they've maxed out cc cards living above their means, they fucked themselves on homes,

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They hand out credit these days like its on a platter ya.

Even thinking about just 7 years ago when I was 18.. everything was totally different.

I made like 30k a year when I was 18 and couldnt even get a motorcycle loan without putting HALF down! This was AFTER I had a good car loan already too. Fast forward to 2007-08... just about any 18yr old rite now could walk into ASK and pick up a new 1000cc killer machine and be dead in 2 months or sell it off when they get tickets for being stupid.

Its just rather annoying knowing that no one really cares anymore. Its at the point now that I dont ever think Ill have kids. I give it another 20years and we'll probably all be dead anyway.

sad :(

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Look at that map, Why is is Phoenix like the cheapes place to get gas? You have to drive everywhere there and public trans is terrible. And the whole state of Cali is the highest in the US while AZ right next to it is the lowest....

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I don't even complain about it anymore....It's a waste of time to....simply because whether it's $2.00 a gallon or $26.00 a gallon...WE HAVE TO BUY IT....until there is another alternative...we just have to deal with it. I put $20 in each stop regardless of the price per gallon.
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:lol: $20 doesn't buy me half a tank in a 4 banger.


Me either, but that's my way I deal with these damn prices. it's a mental thing...kinda like setting my alarm an hour early, so I can hit snooze 10 times...then I get up.

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Sure, gas prices suck. They are up a good $1 per gallon over last year. But you know what? It's costing me a grand total of maybe $13 more per week to fill up my car. Big f'n deal... :o

what about people like me who drive about 500+ miles a week because they live far from where they work as well as it is costing 20 dollars more on a tank of gas because we have larger tanks.... right now, I fill up about once every 4 days.... each fill up costs me in the ball park of 80 dollars... do the math... over the course of the month, I pay more to keep my car running than I do for my mortgage payment. (car payment + ins + gas) I do not drive a truck, I drive a 4 cyl Altima that is rated at 30+ highway miles a gallon.


Also you are not seeing the bigger picture... for you, it might only be 15 dollars a week more in gas, but because of raising gas prices, now the prices of food and goods are going up as well because as we all know, the extra cost always gets put down to the consumer.... so that gallon of milk that we were paying 99 cents for a few years ago is now pushing 3 dollars a gallon. If you think that gas prices are only effecting your weekly fillup than you are being quite ignorant.

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