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Anyone wanna go skydiving?


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I'm scared to death of heights, but this would be so exhilarating.


I'd probably have to be pushed, but WTH. First-timers get a tandem jump anyways.


I thought you had to tandem jump until you were "certified"?


Regardless, they will push your ass out. :)

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I work with a guy who has done it for like 20+ years. He's an old grumpy sarcastic bastard but when you talk to him about sky diving hes a different person. He jumps about 5-10 times a month. The guys at work were talking about all going one day and he said he could probably get us a good deal, but first time is more expensive. I can talk to him about a group if anyone is interested.
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Tandem jumps r 4 buttseks. If you want a real thrill and don't seem to get one when you're strapped to another guy, try static line jumping for your first few. It's not as easy as 'falling out of the plane' but you get to do it on your own, which IMO is more rewarding.
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Tandem jumps r 4 buttseks. If you want a real thrill and don't seem to get one when you're strapped to another guy, try static line jumping for your first few. It's not as easy as 'falling out of the plane' but you get to do it on your own, which IMO is more rewarding.


If you are falling out of an airplane with 1 or 80 people it is still a thrill. Plus, I don't know if I trust myself to pull the parachute. :p

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Static line is pulled when you jump I believe. I don't care if I have to be strapped to someone. this is a thing I've always wanted to do. I'm scared shitless but I was on the bungie shit too and other shti and i loved it.
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first time I jumped cost me over 200 dollars, so be prepared to bend over and take it.


as far as being pushed out, you're strapped to someone.... I pussied out when the door opened and told the guy strapped to my back to go fuck himself so he just jumped and I went with him... was probably the most amazing rush you can ever have.... you do not feel like you are falling at all until the shoot opens.... it's weird!

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