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Back To cali!!


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So, I am headed back to cali for a month. I leave tommorow morning.


For some reason I am stressed out like hell about this trip, my responsibilty level is has been moved from none, a week ago, to threw the roof!


The only thing that really bother's me though, is I have this feeling that i forgot something!!!! AAAAHHHH



Anyways, should be a good trip, and should reflect greatly on me when I come home and go to put in my promotion packet.

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The most I will be seeing, is alot of sand, the tent i will sleep in, and my contact truck!!!


Being in charge of the contact truck has some huge advantages though... extra storage space, will always have my phone charged... it's gonna be nice

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So, I am headed back to cali for a month. I leave tommorow morning.


For some reason I am stressed out like hell about this trip, my responsibilty level is has been moved from none, a week ago, to threw the roof!


The only thing that really bother's me though, is I have this feeling that i forgot something!!!! AAAAHHHH


Anyways, should be a good trip, and should reflect greatly on me when I come home and go to put in my promotion packet.



After all the good time you had last time how can you even be concered about it this time. Either way all you can do is hope for Vegas again on the way back:D

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After all the good time you had last time how can you even be concered about it this time. Either way all you can do is hope for Vegas again on the way back:D


Lol Very easy lol, each time I talk to someone or even think about army I am getting a, O btw, can u keep this squared away. lol



No matter how much i seem to travel, i am always wondering what i forgot at home. I am about to pack away my phone charger and MP3 player, so i should be pretty good.





Bye everyone, see you after the 10th!!! Don't delete me account for not being active lol...

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and i forgot, didn't have a girlfriend for the last trip. Those things always make a diffrence when leaving places lol.


Basicly this thread was a place for me to release all of my tension and nerviousness, so I don't show any infront of the soldier's now appointed under me.

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and triple post time at 4:00 AM!!!!!



I am freakin tired and I woke up way to early.


2 hours of sleep FTMFW!!!!!!


5 hour's a sleep on the plane ride FTMFW lol



I hope i don't drool when i sleep like i did last time one the plane... That always embaresses me. Also, Let's hope for some Free food on the plane! hehe


Ya'll have fun, and hopefully there can be another track day opened up for when i return!

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