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Barack Obama "The Facts"


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I don't care who you are voting for nor if you are even voting. It's the fact that you are black and white when it comes to the presidential election. You vote for who you think will win and I will vote for who I want to win.


wrong again. I will vote for the best canidate that is available (that will fuck up the us the least), unforantly it will be a repub or dem.

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A Political Thread.


Honestly, I do not know who I would Vote for at this point.


I like a lot of McCain's views, with a few exceptions (the war).


I also like a good bit of Obama's Views. However, his past is a bitch to deal with.


We'll see.




PS - Why no Hillary thoughts? Because she is a cunt and will not even be in the race.

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so you automatically vote for someone who wants to raise taxes on everything??


didn't mr clinton (a democrat) have a chance to take out bin lauden when he was in office and didn't have the balls? could have possibly avoided 911....and who knows where our ecomomy would be if that never occured. just saying.


I actually don't like any of the cand.....boo politics.


You make my head hurt.


First off, how do you pay off a huge debt? YOU RAISE TAXES. Where the fuck do you think the money is gonna come from?


Second, how the fuck do you get off saying Clinton didn't go after Osama? He ordered Bin Laden's camp destroyed by cruise missile. They missed Osama by LESS than five minutes by pure chance. HE HEARD THE FUCKING MISSILE HIT THE CAMP HE'D JUST LEFT! That's far closer than they've been since 9/11 to getting his ass.

Tell you what, you want to talk about Middle East history? Who was it that set up the Taliban in the first place? George H.W. Bush, as CIA Director under Reagan. BTW, you know how the Bushes made their fortune? They had business relations with the Bin Ladens, AND the Saudi royal family...

And before ANYONE argues with that, LOOK IT UP. It's not a conspiracy theory, it's not an accusation, it's not propaganda, it's documented FACT.


We're in the mess that we are now due to policy decisions that were made under REPUBLICAN Presidents. You want another one?

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im running for president, my only slogan is i will lower gas prices!.

fuck that... I've come to the conclusion that as much as it might hurt me, let the prices raise.... that's the only way that we will ever do anything to find alternative fuel sources.... as long as the prices stay low, we will just be content... maybe this will lead us to cleaner fuel sources... who knows.


back on topic, Ron Paul FTMFW

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All 3 front runners are aweful.


I dare as as bad/worse than the two front runners in the last two elections.


None of those 3 will make things any better in the US. But people as a whole are stupid sheep, so people like Ron Paul will never have a chance to make a difference.


Why is it I see things getting much worse before they get better?

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All 3 front runners are aweful.


I dare as as bad/worse than the two front runners in the last two elections.


None of those 3 will make things any better in the US. But people as a whole are stupid sheep, so people like Ron Paul will never have a chance to make a difference.


Why is it I see things getting much worse before they get better?


Because human beings are worthless leaches that fuck up everything we touch.


It doesnt make a damn bit of difference who you vote for. In the end we will all be complaining about them. The ones that didnt vote for them will say I told you so, and the ones that did will act like they didnt.



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Because human beings are worthless leaches that fuck up everything we touch.


It doesnt make a damn bit of difference who you vote for. In the end we will all be complaining about them. The ones that didnt vote for them will say I told you so, and the ones that did will act like they didnt.




Amen to that! Doesn't matter, I think we're fucked either way.

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I agree with some McCain issues, but I think most us Republican voters out here would agree, Paul or Romney would've made a lot better of a candidate minus McCain. All I've gotta say is a Democrat will only try to give a momentary bliss and make you think your happy. I really don't want to see another 9/11 happen, but it's bound to if Billary or Osama get in office.
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Where exactly in Revelations did it suggest that the coming of the anti-christ will be muslim? I am fairly certain (but welcome to be proven wrong) that Revelations (since it's credited to the prophet John and to Jesus) was written well before Islam was even a religion, so any interpretation like that is probably some right-wing nutjob insisting that the rise of brown skinned people will mark the end of the world. Not that any of the rest of that op-ed piece of trash article has any actual relevance or hint of factuality, but this stuck out to me as being especially egregious.
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Where exactly in Revelations did it suggest that the coming of the anti-christ will be muslim?

It doesn't. That's another example of the rediculous lies that we're going to be assailed with this year.

Revalations was written before the Muslim faith even existed.


All I've gotta say is a Democrat will only try to give a momentary bliss and make you think your happy.

The last guy you voted for ran soley on a campaing of short term solutions to long term problems, it didn't bother you then.


I really don't want to see another 9/11 happen, but it's bound to if Billary or Osama get in office.

Look back on history cap'n. It was a democratic administration that tried to go after these people in the 90s, and a republican congress that stopped them. All of the intel that was referenced on 9/12/01 to find out who did it and where they were was gathered during the Clinton presidency.


Republicans are only interested in fighting the war on terror, not on winning it. There's no money to be made from victory.

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Who cares about money from victory. If we could wipe 90% of terrorism off the map, that's fine by me. We all know Bush is not the greatest in the world, I admit that much. But in the same right I comend the man for pushing money into our Military that was fucked under Clinton. Clinton shut down/downsized the military, where Bush has made us better than what we ever were in the cold war. Say what you will, I'd rather walk with the bigger stick.
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Who cares about money from victory. If we could wipe 90% of terrorism off the map, that's fine by me. We all know Bush is not the greatest in the world, I admit that much. But in the same right I comend the man for pushing money into our Military that was fucked under Clinton. Clinton shut down/downsized the military, where Bush has made us better than what we ever were in the cold war. Say what you will, I'd rather walk with the bigger stick.

It's all a matter of perception. Half the world thinks we're terrorist or just plain fuckin wrong, anyway. :(

And I don't see how the military is any better. It doesn't matter if you're improving just to spread them out that thin. And if he improved it, why are there so many complaining about equipment? Of course, I don't know from experience since it's been over 15yrs. Just raising the questions.

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It's all a matter of perception. Half the world thinks we're terrorist or just plain fuckin wrong, anyway. :(

And I don't see how the military is any better. It doesn't matter if you're improving just to spread them out that thin. And if he improved it, why are there so many complaining about equipment? Of course, I don't know from experience since it's been over 15yrs. Just raising the questions.

What equipment has been in question? The vest issue is fucking dead, ours work the best they can. If anything we need to replace a 40 year old small varmit cartridge 5.56mm with something with more stopping power. Yes we are spread out, but the increase in technology will mean, GI Joe won't have his boots on the ground longer than he needs. Our pay has raised atleast 3 times since I've been in, the equipment is being supplied, and the training has molded to the current scenarios. We're gone from the Cold War era conventional BS style tank on tank, and moved into urban, grab em by the belt fighting. As far as urban warfare is concerned, we're one of the best at, considering we're not on our turf.

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I will also "WASTE" my vote on ron paul also. I don't care for Mccain actually is bush cock sucking theorys make me boil inside. I work with people who think that I'm stupid because I hate mccaine and how I'm a liberal.



I'm all for lower taxes and less spending, But thats not the republican agenda anymore.

truth, i believe every president since FDR has raised taxes over the course of his presidency. i think.

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i'm voting for McCain because he has the experience and he has served, as a former POW he knows what it's like and won't treat the war as a game.


All of our worst presidents are the ones who did not serve in the military.


PS i'm in Egypt right now :)

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All of our worst presidents are the ones who did not serve in the military.


I wouldn't say all of them were the worst that didn't serve, but those that did are a great line up. FDR, Eisenhower, and Bush #1 were all great presidents in my book. I think that should be some sort of a requirement personally. The man that is Commander in Cheif should have working knowledge as to how things work in the military, how to utilize them, and what they need. I think that's the most paramount duty of the president is Commander in Cheif.

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