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Another Unacceptable Video...


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Did some one seriously produce that? That is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. Most of the things stated as "FACT" aren't fact. The other shit is out of context. Does anyone actually know why he didn't wear the pin or put his hand on his chest? There's a solid rebuttal for everything stated, it would take too much time to do it all.


Just comes down to who you want to believe. Hype is not news, you can write the same thing about anyone, even yourselves.

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Does anyone actually know why he didn't wear the pin or put his hand on his chest? .


OK I'll bite - what possible reason can he have for these 2 things?


I agree that anyone can look bad with the wrong spin and I certainly do not think the press gives us much in the way of truth but I have a hard time believing that theses are all of lies.


For example - his voting record - that is not a lie. How can someone obstain from voting yes or no so many times and still think they deserve to take the most powerful seat in the world (for now)?

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The same reason you don't put a huge wing on your car. You don't have to look like a fast car when you are one.

The same reason Tyler Durden said "Sticking your feathers up your but does not make you a chicken".


There's a rarely used word that sums it up: Jingoism. I don't want to be a part of it, and no self respecting citizen should, but it gripped the nation after 9/11. There were a bunch or politicians doing unpatriotic things while wearing the pin and claiming they were patriots. Obama stated that he doesn't clutter his shit up with petty signs and symbols, it is his actions that should do the talking for him. The culmination of the Jingoism was the invasion of Iraq, so he dropped the pin to disassociate himself from the cunts.

Cliffs, he doesn't need 15 pieces of flare to show his patriotism.

I respect him for it, because he's doing an unpopular thing to make a statement. unpopular things are poison in his profession, he's got some balls. Bush was the mob.

Even CRs beloved Ron Paul gave him props for it.


This is all old news, if you guys would get your info from places other than angry bloggers and youtube you'd be able to see past allot of crap.

"You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly as we were talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for true patriotism...”


Raise your hand if you dislike Obama for wearing no pin, but voted for an administration full of draft dodgers twice? :p

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I fully agree with the pin deal, but whats the reason behind the not placing his hand over his heart?


I'll put it out there, i do plan to vote for Barack, if i vote at all. once again it will be the lesser of 2 evils. whats really sad about all this is i would have voted for mccain in 04, when he actually had a back bone and his own thoughts, really disappointing.....

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I fully agree with the pin deal, but whats the reason behind the not placing his hand over his heart?

It was either for the same reason... or he just fucked up. :p


If I were him, I'd be flattered by this "negative press". Why?

Because when all the right'ists and hillary campaigners tried to dig up dirt on the guy, all they came up with was "he said-she said" clips from speeches and the pin. They had to make the rest up.


Che Guevara flag? Don't care; some one that works for him on a very low level put that up. Go to a southern McCain office and you'll find a rebel flag, guaranteed. Does that mean he wants the south to secede?

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Go to a southern McCain office and you'll find a rebel flag, guaranteed. Does that mean he wants the south to secede?

Maybe it should've, our Puritan Christian society has become a wash of filth, queers, and liars. Obama's a fucking racist, one way or another. Of course he'll get rid of his Rev, to save face for us white folk. Open up your eyes, he hates you. He doesn't even show respect during our National Anthem, a fucking Communist revolutionary flag. He's just as racist as every Klan member and skinhead out there. He just hides it with a suit and fancy college speak.

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There ya go

:rolleyes: The excerpts from his book are taken out of context.


On noes! lol I love how some of his comments are just honest, observational comments that people aren't used to hearing (especially from someone running for office) so they get ass hurt about it. Wake up and face the truth. Stop taking things out of context. I don't doubt he hasn't said things that are just plain wrong, but who the fuck hasn't? Also, remember, he's much older than many of you here and things were not the same when he was younger as they are now (in regards to racial interactions). Not to mention, Columbus, Ohio, is not exactly a meccha for racial mixes, experience, etc. Therefore, many of you lack a proper view or understanding concerning race relations and views.

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:rolleyes: The excerpts from his book are taken out of context.


On noes! lol I love how some of his comments are just honest, observational comments that people aren't used to hearing (especially from someone running for office) so they get ass hurt about it. Wake up and face the truth. Stop taking things out of context. I don't doubt he hasn't said things that are just plain wrong, but who the fuck hasn't? Also, remember, he's much older than many of you here and things were not the same when he was younger as they are now (in regards to racial interactions). Not to mention, Columbus, Ohio, is not exactly a meccha for racial mixes, experience, etc. Therefore, many of you lack a proper view or understanding concerning race relations and views.

Hold on, let a white man say anything like that and see what happens. Double fucking standard. Al Sharpton and his goons would come out of the wood working. Ok, so he was "brought" up during racial times, that means he can be racist then? I was in the Army, you don't get more mixed races in the entire world. Amen.

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What makes him a racist? Think long and hard about your answer, because I'm goign to tear it apart no matter what it is.

Better yet, don't waste time thinking hard about it, lets just get this over with. :D

If a white politician said all kinds of things about "black folk," would the media crucify him as a racist?

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