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If a white politician said all kinds of things about "black folk," would the media crucify him as a racist?

Yup, automatically if a white person says anything that can be taken as "RACIST", it's like a fucking grenade. So a black person says something that can very well be taken out of context, nobody really gives 2 shits. Just what we need now is an angry black muslim to fix our country, that should really help out. :rolleyes:

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What makes him a racist? Think long and hard about your answer, because I'm goign to tear it apart no matter what it is.

Better yet, don't waste time thinking hard about it, lets just get this over with. :D

I'm just saying he'll let his past make him salty. He's half white, but obviously could care less about that 50%. And Reverend Wright was wrong and doesn't speak for him, when the guy is basically family. I call :bs:

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After seeing this and doing more research i dont think i can vote for a racist person like obama. "typical white people" what the fuck is that if i said "typical black people" i would be in a shit storm. He clearly dislikes white people and is going to have his own black powered agenda when he is in the white house
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Che Guevara flag? Don't care; some one that works for him on a very low level put that up. Go to a southern McCain office and you'll find a rebel flag, guaranteed. Does that mean he wants the south to secede?



figures, something that you can't deny and its all you don't care about it cuz HE didn't do it. You have your opinion, no matter how fucking retarted and blind you are, i would fight people like obama and bush and who ever so that you can still have it.




I'll start voting when the people who run for the offices stop telling lies (thats all of them not just the one who happens to be a different color)

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Hold on, let a white man say anything like that and see what happens. Double fucking standard. Al Sharpton and his goons would come out of the wood working. Ok, so he was "brought" up during racial times, that means he can be racist then? I was in the Army, you don't get more mixed races in the entire world. Amen.


lol Double, double standard here. Are you so blind? Whether a white man would be condemned for saying something along those lines is irrelevant.

1. He didn't actually say anything racist.

2. He IS being condemned for those things. By Republicans, Hillary's camp, some voters, oh, and by you.

3. It's not a person's fault, politician or otherwise, if others, ie; the press, choose to take something out of context or glamorize a certain subject when one type of person says it and not another. No, it's not ok, for example, I could attend Mexican-American club in HS but no way would have it been acceptable for a White club.

Ok, dammit, I got distracted by phone calls ect halfway through that last paragraph and loss my train of thought. lol


Anyway, it's all a matter of perspective. The broader your "education", ie; schooling, family upbringing, locations and most important, open-minded experience, the broader your perspective. Also, if you look for the bad in everything, you can misunderstand and/or misconstrue anything heard, viewed, or written.


I'm not necessarily saying that Obama is a gift to our political system, nor am I saying he's a Muslim terrorist extremist, time traveling Nazi, either. I'm saying keep an open mind and quit being so single dimensional in your thinking and viewing of the world. At least, that's part of what I was trying to say before Brian took off with my "train." ;)

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Really. There's no point. Who here really knows what the fuck is true or not? Do you buy a house without knowing everthing about it? Buy a car? Get married? Yet, we're expected to vote for a president of our country with half truths and lies. And half the reason for that, is our own fault. I'd explain further, but damn, I'm tired of this political stuff already.


Political debate stamina > ME :p


Thread = practically pointless. They all suck.


My dog for president.

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figures, something that you can't deny and its all you don't care about it cuz HE didn't do it. You have your opinion, no matter how fucking retarted and blind you are, i would fight people like obama and bush and who ever so that you can still have it.

Care to write that in English?


Re: Things he says and racism: That doesn't make him a racist. He didn't invent the double standard. Also, if you'd actually been paying attention to the campaign, he didn't bring race into it. He avoided it like the plague early on. It was brought to him. If some one asks you a question about race, no matter what it is and no matter what you answere, it will be impossible to give an answer that doesn't label you a racist to some one. Even ignoring the question all together will still get you into shit with some one.

Like I said, he didn't invent the double standard, don't get pissed at him because he says something that you cant. Everyone quotes "typical white people", 3 words in a whole sentence... did any of you bother looking for the transcript and the context? No, you just read and watched a bunch of partisan bullshit.


Or, maybe you're jsut pissed off because it's true. There are "typical white people" who, as a result to the nature of race in our particular society, have a knee-jerk reaction when they see some one different.

If Carlos Mencia brought this up, you'd applaud him. But now, it's some one across the aisle. In the end, this all just shows how despirate people are to smear the guy.

Hates white people? That's not even worth a responce, you guys are seriously trying too hard... and failing.

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wait, what is so wrong with being a muslim?


actually there is another black man in america who is muslim and says racial thinkgs and we love him




just goes to show that people have made up their mind about a presidential candidate and will ignore and attack anyone else who runs

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Dave Chapelle grew up on a farm in western Ohio, not in boarding schools throughout the world outside of America. I can relate to Dave Chapelle, in fact, I've drank at a bar in the town he lives in. How can I relate to Barack Obama?
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i think he is from western ohio i don't think he grew up there mike, and i am not trying to make people relate to obama just the reasoning why people are hating on him and liking chapelle isn't really the issue its the fact that people have picked a politician for one reason and are hating on all of the others because it is what our politics have come to nowdays
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Well lets let Eric have the rest of the debate if he can defend obamas voting "present" instead of taking a position on hundreds of issues. If he becomes president he will be required to take a stand.



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A man with a grudge shouldn't be in charge personally. I'll put it out, it's obvious I am not a fan of the muslim faith, therefore I have no business being president. For the people, BY the people. The president in theory should represent all of America, not just certain types of people.
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A man with a grudge shouldn't be in charge personally. I'll put it out, it's obvious I am not a fan of the muslim faith, therefore I have no business being president. For the people, BY the people. The president in theory should represent all of America, not just certain types of people.


x infinity

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Can't help my views, but Obama would be the equivalent of a Japanese man coming into office durng WW2. Had enough friends killed, and seen enough from the Muslim faith to have my set life long opinions. Peaceful faith my left nut. Obama and Billary are 2 busy trying to out slander one another, they're not even concerned bout the overall picture. Again, I still wouldn't mind sending a .50 BMG round through his face :nod:
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What amazes me is that people will still vote for him.

Thank you. All his hopes/promises/wishes for him "bettering" America go out the fuckin window. His book ain't a lie, his Reverend that was a family friend of over 20 years is wrong and must be the first time he ever said anything. In today's society it's ok just as long as you aren't a typical white person talkin about other ethnicities/races.

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