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Help pass the Castle Doctrine in OHIO (gun crew and everyone else!!!!)


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Just so you're all aware:



* * * Buckeye Firearms ALERT * * *


a publication of

Buckeye Firearms Association


Ohio's #1 Gun-Rights Political Action Committee

"Defending Your Firearm Rights"


Named "Grassroots Organization of the Year" by the CCRKBA


Help us spread the word. Forward this to your friends and family!



May 23, 2008


Castle Doctrine may be coming up for a vote. Help us keep up the pressure on representatives!

Dear Gun-Rights Supporter,


I know we've been hitting you hard with messages lately. And I know the Memorial holiday is coming up. But we're locked in battle for your gun rights and it's vital to have your immediate support on this.


A vote on SB184, the Castle Doctrine bill, may finally be coming up for a vote. This legislation will restore your right to defend yourself and your family with force when faced with a deadly threat. It would also protect you from predatory civil lawsuits by criminals or their family.


Also up for a vote is a Buckeye Firearms Association and NRA backed amendment to SB184 which would prevent authorities from seizing your guns during an emergency and make other important improvements (see below).


We have Governor Strickland in our corner, but the outcome is not yet certain. The elitist Ohio Fraternal Order of Police union is staging a full assault to derail this bill.


If you want Castle Doctrine in Ohio, you MUST keep up the phone calls, e-mails, and letters to legislators. Tell them you want the bill PASSED. Tell them you will watch their actions and votes carefully and will remember what they do come Election Day.


If you've already done this, DO IT AGAIN! Be POLITE. Be firm. Be relentless. We NEED YOU to help us get this bill passed.


Yes, it's a holiday weekend. Don't let that stop you. Call and write every day until you hear that the bill is passed. Don't let up. Keep the pressure on!


CLICK HERE to look up your Representatives. We need to make calls and send e-mails to EVERY representative in Ohio.


CLICK HERE to write a letter to your Representatives. Use our pre-written letter or write your own. We'll see it gets delivered.


Here are the House Criminal Justice Committee Members:


John J. White ® District 38 - (614) 466-6504 - district38@ohr.state.oh.us

Barbara R. Sears ® District 46 - (614) 466-1731 - district46@ohr.state.oh.us

Louis W. Blessing, Jr. ® District 29 - (614) 466-9091 - district29@ohr.state.oh.us

Jim Carmichael ® District 03 - (614) 466-1474 - district03@ohr.state.oh.us

Tony Core ® District 83 - (614) 466-8147 - district83@ohr.state.oh.us

Jim Hughes ® District 22 - (614) 466-2473 - district22@ohr.state.oh.us

Jon M. Peterson ® District 02 - (614) 644-6711 - district02@ohr.state.oh.us

Joseph W. Uecker ® District 66 - (614) 466-8134 - district66@ohr.state.oh.us

Timothy J. DeGeeter (D) District 15 - (614) 466-3485 - district15@ohr.state.oh.us

Stephen Dyer (D) District 43 - (614) 466-1790 - district43@ohr.state.oh.us

Tracy Heard (D) District 26 - (614) 466-8010 - district26@ohr.state.oh.us

Dale Mallory (D) District 32 - (614) 466-1645 - district32@ohr.state.oh.us

Sandra Williams (D) District 11 - (614) 466-1414 - district11@ohr.state.oh.us

Tyrone K. Yates (D) District 33 - (614) 466-1308 - district33@ohr.state.oh.us

Kenny Yuko (D) District 7 - (614) 466-8012 - district07@ohr.state.oh.us

Background information:


Information on Castle Doctrine Bill

Summary of the Pro-Gun amendments proposed

Letter from the Ohio FOP Legislative Chairman Mark Drum attempting to derail amendments

Governor Strickland tells FOP where to stick it on gun bill; Republicans should do the same

The main changes we are fighting to win for Ohioans with the SB184 amendment are as follows:


1) Establish a clear standard for what constitutes a "loaded firearm." The Ohio House wants to eliminate the "ready at hand" vagueness that has trapped many gun owners and hunters in Ohio. The FOP is opposing this because they claim it would allow "... anyone to carry a gun in a car (non-permit holders) if it is not loaded and no ammunition is in a magazine or speed loader." Since both the Ohio and US constitutions guarantee us this right, it is not the FOP's place to object to this right for all law abiding Ohioans.


2) Provide protection from confiscation of firearms during disaster and other emergencies. This is what other states are calling "Katrina Legislation" and is designed to prevent the wholesale confiscation of lawfully owned firearms such as was seen in New Orleans after the Katrina disaster. The FOP is attempting to derail this important protection to your firearm and property rights.


3) Allow lawful carry of firearms in establishments with a class D6 liquor permit. This type of permit allows sale of liquor on Sunday and includes most Krogers, Ameristops, and Giant Eagle type of businesses. Fixes are also being considered to allow owners of restaurants and bars to carry concealed as well as allow special duty police to carry in such establishments. The FOP has objected to this.


4) Make changes to the notification of officers by CHL holders. The penalty to a CHL for failure to notify (such as after a traffic accident or other highly stressful situation) would be reduced if the status of the CHL holder was already known to the officer. No more making criminals out of honest Ohioans simply because they were subject to a traumatic event and failed to inform an officer of something the officer was already aware of. The FOP has objected to this as well.


Thank you for your support. If we keep up the pressure and work together, we will take a big step forward for gun rights in Ohio.


Yours for freedom,

Jim Irvine







Buckeye Firearms Association, Mary Friscone, Treasurer, 15 West Winter Street, Delaware, OH, 43015

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I'll help. The castle doctrine is needed.


I need a little clarification on the D6 permit thing though that maybe you can help with Cinergi. So as the law is written today, you can't carry concealed CCW in a Kroger, Walmart, etc? I thought you were allowed to carry those places as long as they do not sell beer/alcohol that is dispensed and consumed on the premises, i.e like a bar. Is that not correct?

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thats what i learned as well. as long as its not being consumed, and they dont have a CPZ sign up, you could carry. now, if liquor is being served, thats a no-no


FWIW, ive carried in meijer, kroger, gas stations, etc, as long as there is no sign up

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thats what i learned as well. as long as its not being consumed, and they dont have a CPZ sign up, you could carry. now, if liquor is being served, thats a no-no


FWIW, ive carried in meijer, kroger, gas stations, etc, as long as there is no sign up

That's what I learned too.

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I'll help. The castle doctrine is needed.


I need a little clarification on the D6 permit thing though that maybe you can help with Cinergi. So as the law is written today, you can't carry concealed CCW in a Kroger, Walmart, etc? I thought you were allowed to carry those places as long as they do not sell beer/alcohol that is dispensed and consumed on the premises, i.e like a bar. Is that not correct?



I'll answer more of this later. I've *never* seen any of these signs posted anywhere--remember they must be conspicuous.. The only one I did ever see is on one of my guns safes. I didn't think that place deserved to be a Victim Empowerment Zone.


Technically, you cannot carry if you are under the influence or in a bar. So if you're going to go to a bar and drink, don't even lock your gun up in the trunk. It gets really twisted, but they can and will throw charges at you--trust me.


I will answer more about Kroger and Walmart later. Legally you can get into a sticky mess. Also, none of what I wrote is a legal recommendation in any way.

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I'll answer more of this later. I've *never* seen any of these signs posted anywhere--remember they must be conspicuous.. The only one I did ever see is on one of my guns safes. I didn't think that place deserved to be a Victim Empowerment Zone.


Technically, you cannot carry if you are under the influence or in a bar. So if you're going to go to a bar and drink, don't even lock your gun up in the trunk. It gets really twisted, but they can and will throw charges at you--trust me.


I will answer more about Kroger and Walmart later. Legally you can get into a sticky mess. Also, none of what I wrote is a legal recommendation in any way.

Cool, I have heard of some sticky legal issues with the Kroger and walmart thing. It's a mess. I thought it was a internet rumor, I guess there may be some truth to it after all.

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so the FOP wants to be able to confinscate my firearms during an emergency, when i need them them most? great thinking :rolleyes:

I like that the FOP is trying to take away the only true help they're ever going to get, especially in natural disaster instances. I love that trained weapons carriers are just about as equal as a crack dealer with a cobra .25 in his Fubu jeans.

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Why is it that the government is pushing so hard to protect the criminals? They think stuff like this is going to help but in the end citizens will follow the law and have no protection against the criminals that dont.
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Cool, I have heard of some sticky legal issues with the Kroger and walmart thing. It's a mess. I thought it was a internet rumor, I guess there may be some truth to it after all.



Technically, a class D liquor license is what prevents you from carrying in an establishment, Victim Empowerment Zone sign or no sign. I believe that Walmart has one, but I never really checked into this.

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so the FOP wants to be able to confinscate my firearms during an emergency, when i need them them most? great thinking :rolleyes:


The FOP, state gov, fed gov, local LEO's etc are not your friend when it comes to situations where the average citizen being armed *might* be a danger to them or trump their own actions.


It's governmentaly slow victimization of us into a Police state.



Luckily, most states citizens/legislatures have realized how much bull shit the whole Brady Activism really is and how it absolutely does not work. We also see how Great Britian, Australia, and other countries are fairing with their weapons bans.



You Ohio Bretheran should be cheering at the idea of a Castle Doctrine. Being in Utah, we are a very very pro-gun state, Gold Star for open carry in fact. Yet we lack a Castle Doctrine.

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did a little reading online about them confiscating guns during katrina...


apparently you could go and get it back if you brought the bill of sale :rolleyes:


the bill of sale my great grandfather got when he originally bought the gun, then it was passed down to his son, and to my father then to me...


or the bill of sale that didnt get washed away in the 12 feet of water :rolleyes:

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Read any of the stories from the guys who actually got their guns back? High percentage of them were used, damaged, and non operational after the .gov confiscated them.


Fuckers had their own way with the confiscated guns. No different then rape. Where's the justice for all the victims?

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Technically, a class D liquor license is what prevents you from carrying in an establishment, Victim Empowerment Zone sign or no sign. I believe that Walmart has one, but I never really checked into this.

Well, looks like the Castle Doctrine is just waiting for Strickland's signature at this point. :)


The class D permit seems a little tricky. In the Attorney General CCW book it says a class D permit is a alcohol permit for a establishment that sells alcohol/liquor that is consumed on the premises, which to me seems like it would only apply to a bar, fair with alcohol, etc. I don't quite understand why some people say you can carry concealed in a Kroger's but not a Walmart.

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