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asking for prayers


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I am sitting at riverside hospital waiting for my 27 year old sister to have open heart surgery. She had severe pain out of no where last night and almost died in the night. She is going in surgery now to have a clot taken out of her heart so if you are religious I'm asking for your prayers. Thanks.
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Clots are serious business, I have a blood disorder that causes my blood to coagulate to fast, which induces clots if im not careful, factor 5 is what it is called.


So I hope your sister pulls out ok Brian, I worrie it could get me as well.

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She is in recovery now. The surgery went well and they were able to get all the blood clots out. The doctor said her heart was failing as they were doing the surgery so its a good thing we got her to the hospital in time. They are going to keep her for a week or so to make sure she recovers ok. I appreciate the prayers from everyone.
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