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I hate thieves


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So I come into work today and my office was ransacked. Every drawer dumped out, shit everywhere, assholes even dumped out my paper shredder. All the stupid fuckers even got was a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and computer speakers. So I got to spend this morning cleaning up after some fuck who is too lazy to work, so they rather spend thier time trying to steal off someone else. Why risk going to jail over stupid shit like that?? What can they really get out of that stuff, twenty bucks??? I'd like to find the dumb fucker and gouge out his eye balls with a spoon.


/ end of rant

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It makes you wish automated lethal security systems were legal, eh? If you ask me, thieves should get one warning and then they are fair game. Hell, it's more than we do for deer and those are legal to kill (part of the year)...
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So I come into work today and my office was ransacked. Every drawer dumped out, shit everywhere, assholes even dumped out my paper shredder. All the stupid fuckers even got was a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and computer speakers. So I got to spend this morning cleaning up after some fuck who is too lazy to work, so they rather spend thier time trying to steal off someone else. Why risk going to jail over stupid shit like that?? What can they really get out of that stuff, twenty bucks??? I'd like to find the dumb fucker and gouge out his eye balls with a spoon.


/ end of rant

Too lazy to work!! WTH are you talking about?! You don't think going through all that shit was work? Oh, and next time, try springing for a flatscreen monitor. This wasn't even worth my time. I'll be lucky to make $20...










Seriously, though, where do you work that someone would think it was worth breaking into? Or do you think it was just crackhead antics?

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So what do you do when your security system sees a perp ransacking your office? Shout at him over the internet? Don't get me wrong, cameras are a great deterrent, but you're getting a false sense of security in thinking they totally fix the problem.
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So what do you do when your security system sees a perp ransacking your office? Shout at him over the internet? Don't get me wrong, cameras are a great deterrent, but you're getting a false sense of security in thinking they totally fix the problem.


No, a security system has sensor's and calls the police. camera systems allow you to see things. Big difference between the two things.



If someone wants to steal something bad enough they are going to do it. You can only hope to deter or slow them down.

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Hey inflation hits the price of crack too! ;)


Yeah crime is really up in the city, or at least the reports that I've been hearing. Coleman needs to hire more police and give up on his stupid pet projects.


Sorry to hear it Jordan. :(

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