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360 Live ????


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Got the kids Live today. Do you HAVE to use the Microsoft wireless adapter on the 360?

Reason I ask.....I'd tried hooking up an old adapter we already have, earlier this year, with no success. Someone has since told us that you can ONLY use the MicroSoft one.

Just curious if that's why my earlier attempt with another brand failed

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Got the kids Live today. Do you HAVE to use the Microsoft wireless adapter on the 360?

Reason I ask.....I'd tried hooking up an old adapter we already have, earlier this year, with no success. Someone has since told us that you can ONLY use the MicroSoft one.

Just curious if that's why my earlier attempt with another brand failed

i have mine hard wired to my router. was always told it was less laggy

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Not sure on the adapter, so I hit google/360 forums. The answer is...yes. No other USB adapter will work since the ms360 one has the drivers/setup for the 360 preloaded.

I set mine up via wireless/wired as I didn't wante to hassle with it. I have 2 Linksys routers, so I set the 1st one on wirless network ect. I set the 2nd one to wireless bridge network so that it would go off the 1st one. I then took a short Cat5 cable from the 2nd router to the 360. Its fast and secure.


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Thanx for replies guys, & that link SJC.

The cheapskate in me just can't believe there haven't been some cheaper 3rd party alternatives that have come out since 360/Live was first released. $100 seems a bit excessive after several years on the market

I had previously tried using an existing adapter of ours that was about 5 years old. Now I see why I wasn't havin' any luck with it ;)

ihave mine wired straight to the modem too.

The computer/modem is several doorways/hallway away from the wall the TV is on

Through the USB yes, has to be Microsoft. Through the Ehternet, can be anything.

I would suggest a I wireless bridge.

Isn't a wireless bridge the same as the 360 adapter?

Edited by Fonzie
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Its the same concept, but goes about it differently for more $$. Its basically a very small router with all the drivers/software inside it vs having to set it up yourself. (which is easy)

The wireless bridge is what I use. It comes in via the coax cable into the cable modem, then into a wireless router(which I have upstairs). From there you activate your wireless network within the router with a name/password so that only you know what it is (otherwise outside people will leech your net). From there, the signal goes to my other router (downstairs for me) and you take a standard ethernet/cat5 cable from the second router into the Xbox. Its hardwired to the router, but the signal/internet is wireless to it from the other. Its still very fast and I have had no problems with it thus far on Live.

Took me maybe 5 minutes to setup. I used (2) Linksys WRT54GL's with Tomato firmware. If you want more info on this, shoot me a pm/em and I can try to walk you through it. Wireless routers are cheap nowdays, and ethernet cable is also if you don't have some.

www.monoprice.com for about anything.

Edited by SJC600rr
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i have mine hard wired to my router. was always told it was less laggy

+1, don't know about the lag (though I would suspect due to the collision detection and overhead associate with wireless, it would lag much more than a hard connection), but I have the hard wired setup as well.

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You can each have your own, but you need a separate Gold subscription per gamertag if you want to play online and such, I believe. You can have separate accounts on the system though, which helps separate each persons saved games etc.

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You can each have your own, but you need a separate Gold subscription per gamertag if you want to play online and such, I believe. You can have separate accounts on the system though, which helps separate each persons saved games etc.

Not sure I'm completely understanding correctly......So we all have to play under the same name/gamertag when each of us is on, or can I be Fonzie, and they can have their own ID/nickname?

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I believe Harb is correct (I don't know because I've never used 2 accounts), but your Xbox Live Gold membership (to play online) is applied to ONE account only and you must be logged on with that account to play online. Your kids can each have their own gamertag/identity/profile on the local machine for saved games and such, but won't be able to play online under their gamertags - only versus each other split screen on the local box.

I think the only work around would be to buy multiple XBox Gold cards to apply them to each account if you want each account to have online matchmaking privelidges, but if you only have one Xbox, it's a little silly to buy 3 Gold Memberships @ $40/yr just to have that privelidge when you can have one subscription and play under that one if you go online.


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Yep just like they said.. Each person can have an "local" account but only 1 account can be linked to "Live" unless you pay more.

We have 3 Xbox 360s in my home and trust me you do NOT want wireless. Goto Microcenter or order some CAT5 online and run the lines. It is a pain sometimes to run the line but, in the long run it will be worth it..

I have not tried it yet but you can also go this route..


It could be used in any room and is cheaper than the 360 wireless adapter..


Anything is better than the 360 wireless adapter IMHO...

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