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CR golf outing


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I think it's been brought up before. I think we should try to actually get it together and make it happen. I don't know how many people would be down, but I know Phoenix Golf Linx has specials for outings or we could just make a couple tee times if we only have 8 guys or less. Who would be down?


And anyone who plays often and needs another just give me a PM or something. I'd like to find more people to play with.

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I will play with you verse. I am really rusty though. I went to hit some balls a few weeks ago with my friend. Out of a medium bucket I probably only hit 5 good drives. I need practice.
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Why don't you have a CR slit your wrist gathering? It would be way more fun.


Golf, for people with not life who couldn't figure out anything fun to do with their free time.


IDK, maybe if I sat around for a few years with nothing to do I might think it was a good idea.

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Golf, for people with not life who couldn't figure out anything fun to do with their free time.


Translation: I suck ass at golf therfore it is for people with no life.


I would be down, but I need new clubs first. Im still using the set my pops gave me in highschool.

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Translation: I suck ass at golf therfore it is for people with no life.


I would be down, but I need new clubs first. Im still using the set my pops gave me in highschool.


Hey, there's nothing wrong w/ Spaldings, at least for my skill level ;). I might be down, depends on the day.

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Translation: I suck ass at golf therfore it is for people with no life.


I've played about three times. I did alright considering I don't play. No one is going to be good at golf without a lot of seat time. A lot of my good friends play, I have no interest in it.


Time to go do something that takes some skill and actual athleticism, going to ride my bike.

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Why don't you have a CR slit your wrist gathering? It would be way more fun.


Golf, for people with not life who couldn't figure out anything fun to do with their free time.


IDK, maybe if I sat around for a few years with nothing to do I might think it was a good idea.




I've been golfing once. That was enough to turn me away for life.

Mini-Putt and the like are tolerable, however.



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Time to go do something that takes some skill and actual athleticism, going to ride my bike.


Then come play golf and win since it requires no skill, right?


Golf is fun as shit (aka driving a kart, drinking beer, and hitting shit is fun)

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$20 i can out drive anyone on this board :)


In. No...it doesnt have to be straight (although I think I could win that too).


Driving distance has nothing to do with strength. It's about your swing.


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In. No...it doesnt have to be straight (although I think I could win that too).


Driving distance has nothing to do with strength. It's about your swing.



Tell that to my set of Spaldings :).

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In. No...it doesnt have to be straight (although I think I could win that too).


Driving distance has nothing to do with strength. It's about your swing.


Agreed (as stated, I'm 5'9" 150lbs). I disagree with the not straight thing though. Has to be in the fairway...

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Driving distance has nothing to do with strength. It's about your swing.



It is about swing AND club head speed.


F-that. Sanctioned long drive contests are not in the fairway...



This is correct, but they do have boundaries.


I may take that bet... and I'm only 5'9" 150lbs ;)


I'm 5'8" 160. I have a good swing....but I can also snap my wrists and generate club head speeds measured at over 110 mph. This is hard to control, but looooooong (meaning: don't try this on anything but a goat ranch public course).


I'd put $20 in for this.


or....Up it to $50. Stipulations are: 8 degree lofted driver, hit off of the ground (no tee).

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