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Black Mountain: ATV trip Pics and Vids


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Well guys I thought I would post on here about my absolutely awesome weekend trip this past weekend. We went to Black Mountain which is in South Eastern KY where KY meets Virginia and Tennesee. The town we were staying is was Evarts, KY


Anyway, all we knew going into this place was that we heard good things, don't have to pay a dime to ride, don't have to have a registered quad or anything. You literally show up and ride. Oh and did I mention 6,000 acres to ride on?


We rented an 8 person cabin which was $105 per night. When you divide that by 8 its dirt cheap. The cabin had A/C, your own shower, bathroom, fridge and freezer, and TV (not that we even watched any TV).


This town thrives on ATV tourism and you are actually allowed to ride your quad in the street to get to the trailheads. Once we unloaded our quads I never got back in the truck until the day we left!


The trails were perfect we actually were able to get a pretty good bit of speed on them. They weren't rutted up or nothing. The Park is open 24/7 which allowed for some wicked night rides, btw watch out for the rattle snakes at night, we actually ran over a few of them on the trail. I really didn't want to but by the time I saw them it was too late to correct.


Oh and one of the nastiest trails I've ever seen, its called the 'widow maker' pic below. Doesn't look as bad in the pic but I definitely wouldn't try going up it unless you have a 4x4.


That is it with my lame story lets get to the pics and vids.


Gotta love the SS










Widow Maker






Now to the Vids


Hill Climb



'The Stadium'



'The Stadium' down hill with a lil C-walk at the end.



'The Stadium' downhill again



Me moving pretty good





And if you are really curious you can check out the whole album at this link and surf at your own discretion.





If anyone here wants to go I would love to meet up with you guys and go with. The whole weekend (thurs-sun) including the gas to get down there I spent $215. Dirt Cheap (no pun intended).

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