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Ok so my buddy had posted an Eclipse Cd player for sale, he has had this cd player for a couple of years in his jeep. He got a call about a guy that was interested in the cd player, so he had the guy come over to look at it. I just so happened to be there when the guy got there. As soon as he sees the cd player sitting on the original box mind that says thats mine you stole it from me. He was like no dumbass look its sitting on its original box. He starts going off on how he is going to call the cops and we are going to be arrested, we finally calm him down by yelling at him. So then the guy just so happened to see his kicker amp in the garage and tried to say that was part of his set up that was stolen out of his car 2days prior to this. The guy was then telling us how he was going to take it back, and thats when we pretty much had to throw him out of the garage, and as he was taking off spinning his tires and was still insisting he was going to call the cops. I just kinda told my buddy how dumb he was for having some guy come over to his house instead of meeting him somewhere. What would you guys of done in this situation? :asshole: :bs:
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I would have kicked him square in the teeth, than used a tire iron on his face while he was down.




Or possibly offered the man a cookie. Cookies are delicious, and 7 out of 8 dentists say they solve problems.

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The shit wasnt stolen there bud! He has the receipt for the cd player and i was with him when he bought the amp at circuit city.


It was a joke fella.


Oh and you dont exactly calm someone down by raising your voice but whatever works.

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Send him an angry, yet well-written letter.



e.g. an ass beating.


Seriously, I would have repled with "Call the cops. Here is the phone." Then have him arrested for trespassing......

BTW, keep an eye on your garage, make sure his dumb ass dosent come snooping back around looking to "Get my shit back"

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