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2007 MacBook Pro


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The Good:

It is just shy of a year old. I have worked with it mainly for school. It comes loaded with software. The adobe CS3 Design Premium=$1,799 C4D Studio Bundle=$3,495 QuarkXPress 7=$799 Microsoft Office=$149 Fetch=$25, You get the point. All these were purchased legaly for school.







The Hard stuff:

It is a MacBookPro. Its running Mac OS X Tiger right now. great for design because Leopard is know to screw up with photoshop and dreamweaver.

-Harddrive capicity is 148GB

-It is a 15" glossy screen for more pure looking colors

-It has everything the new ones have besides the disk capacity. I maxed it out with the available performance parts at the time it was bought

I bought this for 2500 without all the extra software from the mac store at Easton. It has always been transported in a sleeve. never been left in the car for heat or freeze.







The Bad:

It was sitting on a table around the house while it was plugged in charging. someone walked by and knocked it off. I watched it fall. It hit the right front corner while it was closed and created cosmetic damage. I have been using this for 2months after the accident and have not noticed any difference what so ever. the right front corner is where the CD/DVD reader/writer is. It has made it to were it scratches the disk sometimes when you put in videos or cds. I have only put 3cds in since the fall. I am planing on replacing the bottom cover so there are none of those problems. If you are interested to see more of the good and bad then let me know your email and ill send you more pics.


It can come loaded with 15.46GB of music if you would like. other than that the hard drive will be whiped clean besides the apps. I am willing to sell this after I get my new one because of transporting all my work over. the new one is in the mail.


Price is $2100.

Id like to see a designer get ahold of this so the software is taking advantage of.


Im selling it because i have insurance on it and they decided it was easier to just give me a new one.

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Free bump for a nice laptop, and thwap to the guy trying to talk him down. Mac's retain their value rediculously well (too well if you ask me almost...) so its more than likely worth how much its worth especially if the software is able to go to the new owner with software liscenses on the up and up too.
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Well my insurance company says its 1700 in repair cost. half of it being labor costs. I dont know why your worrying about it unless your interested. Ill be honest the media is not liscensed at all. the software is liscensed.


hotcarl where did you find that quote cause i dont see it in this thread

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