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cook out saturday!!!!!!


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well thanks to the awsome weather cook out is cancelled. ill try again some other time. now im going to go drink at craigs house


Hopefully next time it will be on a day where I can go... Feel free to bring the food to my house.. I'll put the grill in the garage and go to town :p

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Whatever you say, racquetball champ.



when was the last time you did anything athletic? ha? don't hate cause I do something that pays me, pays for my travels, and gets me out of columbus all winter long. when you are good at something worth mentioning let me know. until then :gtfo:

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when was the last time you did anything athletic? ha? don't hate cause I do something that pays me, pays for my travels, and gets me out of columbus all winter long. when you are good at something worth mentioning let me know. until then :gtfo:


Actually, I just walked in from doing something athletic. Mowed the lawn and edged, then rode my bike for an hour. A poorly geared bike, at that. In a minute here, after I cool off, I am getting on an elliptical to run on it with the resistance turned all the way up.


Ironically, I also have a job that pays me, pays for my travels, and gets me out of Columbus.

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Actually, I just walked in from doing something athletic. Mowed the lawn and edged, then rode my bike for an hour. A poorly geared bike, at that. In a minute here, after I cool off, I am getting on an elliptical to run on it with the resistance turned all the way up.


Ironically, I also have a job that pays me, pays for my travels, and gets me out of Columbus.


but you still suck at life? so sad.

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Actually, I just walked in from doing something athletic. Mowed the lawn and edged, then rode my bike for an hour. A poorly geared bike, at that. In a minute here, after I cool off, I am getting on an elliptical to run on it with the resistance turned all the way up.


Ironically, I also have a job that pays me, pays for my travels, and gets me out of Columbus.



A. you don't run on an elliptical you asshole, your talking to a personal trainer


b. cutting the grass is not a resourceful excersise, it is minimal movment at a low pace. no heart rate excersion is happenining, unless your obese. your fat not obese.


and when I say athletic you worthless piece of shit, im talkig about something that requires talent, agility, athletisism, and being in some condition. now get off your huffy and go run a mile pudgy

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Phil, I don't have to explain my physical health conditions to you. Let me just say this, I can't do anything that puts a shock load on my feet or legs. I had to quit all the sports I loved because of it.


I do have one question though. If the movement one does on an elliptical isn't running, then WTF is it exactly?

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A. you don't run on an elliptical you asshole, your talking to a personal trainer


b. cutting the grass is not a resourceful excersise, it is minimal movment at a low pace. no heart rate excersion is happenining, unless your obese. your fat not obese.


and when I say athletic you worthless piece of shit, im talkig about something that requires talent, agility, athletisism, and being in some condition. now get off your huffy and go run a mile pudgy


LMFAO... Man that must suck to get burned by Phil.

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Phil, I don't have to explain my physical health conditions to you. Let me just say this, I can't do anything that puts a shock load on my feet or legs. I had to quit all the sports I loved because of it.


then how do you stand up?? what about sex?

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