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to all u prick drivers


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Ok. Its like I was saying about roll racing. Travelling at that rate of speed someone can look back wait a second them change lanes and have a car right on there bumper (that was 100 yards back a second ago).



When i was living down in columbus i was in a certain turbo'd 240 and a gentlemen in a black cobra and another random guy in a corvette were racing. We were watching out for cars ahead and i remember these cars flying by at about 150+ and thinking i cant imagine what would happen if someone merged in front of them. Cause we could feel the force when they came by and we were probally doing 80-100.


Btw that cobra sounded fucking evil at those speeds. The owners of said cars may remember this as well.

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Exactly. Had similar shit happen to me at about 1:30 today with a guy on a bike. Nice blue and white helmet and a blue/white or blue/silver sport bike of some type.


I was on 270w just past Sawmill. He was coming up in my RV Mirror and I knew he wasn't going the same 72mph I was. I scanned traffic, made sure the lane to the right was open, go to move over and WTF, he's coming up well over the speed limit on me in that lane now! :wtf:


He swerves back to the left lane and proceeds to flip me off like I'm at fault. F.U. right back buddy. Hope my Horn rings in your ear for the next two weeks. :finger: Had him right in front of me at the off ramp with more horn action for like two minutes until he could fashionably flip me off again and roll well beyond the speed limit down Avery Road.


I hope I see that bitch again on a nice sunny day soon :mad: I figure I couple nice hockers out the suroof will sit well on the facemask of his helmet.


Ok. Its like I was saying about roll racing. Travelling at that rate of speed someone can look back wait a second them change lanes and have a car right on there bumper (that was 100 yards back a second ago).
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A couple of years ago, Martelle and I were coming back from somewhere and meeting up at Hooters on Main. Some 03/04 Cobra had merged a bit back and decided to try a flyby on me. I nailed it and got my tunnel vision, and he was gone behind me quicker than shit. I was doing over 180mph and literally a mile up I saw a truck pull into my lane on 270.


No shit, it was SECONDS before I saw how close I was on him and had to hit the brakes to avoid rear-ending him, as I was not going to change lanes at those speeds. The shit is ridiculous and to this day I've not touched over 160mph.

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still.... :eek: Even at just a 120mph if someone doing 65mph changes lanes, you'll likely pinch one off in your pants as it will usually happen at the worst time :o ......the lane change that is.....as there's enver a good time to crap your pants.



The shit is ridiculous and to this day I've not touched over 160mph.
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Check your fucking blind spots, Its not my fault you cagers cant move your head one way or the other or have to eat, talk on your cellphone, tailgate, read a book, Jack off, put on your make up, do your bills, all in your car. As a biker I keep a look out for ass hats that cant turn their heads let alone do the rest of the list but at the same time 65 means 65 not 66 (not that I follow the sign at all).


Car or bike, you sit in someones blind spot you're a grad a fucking idiot. Especially so if you are riding a bike. That's just asking to get your ass splattered all over the road. Have fun proving that someone should have looked in their blind spots. I'll be the asshole laughing at your funeral.

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Tim I can't agree with u more there r tons of dumb drivers out there bikes an cars . But the suatation I'm talkin about is like I said abouve some one tailgatin u then cuttin u off


I'm not saying I'm a saintbut some drivers have no common sense

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Every car is dirrerent u fuckin moran how would u know with every flippen car on the road oh look his blind spots there oh that cars there u seem like the prick that was behind me this morning ahh well I guess u have ur opinion I wassent bein an asshole in my post answer this my suitation I posted what did I do wrg there sir? Nothin at all some ass hole redneck pos though it would be smart
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Ok fisrt off I'm gonna typo an I'm goin to have no care of grammer in this post so fuck off


Today I'm ridin my motorcycle do dod do doodle dooo ridin speedlimit in the slowlane mind my own buisness when a lifted silverado comes an rides my ass.... there's 4 lanes of road an he choosess mine so I just ignore it so eventally hit rips around me and at the last second cuts right in freont of me shotting tons of rockes an debree at me (shit hurts goin 65) an I havbe to slam on my breaks cause he did so to get off his exit right after he cuts me off ...



My rant is one don't ride anyones ass let alone a motorcycle... if they have to stoop fast they can you can't!

When u change lanes right in front of a biker all the debree gets shot at them goin 65+ mph shit hurts even with a jacket an helmet


If u tailgate me I've got a pocket full of change that's got ur windshielf written all over it


Stay the fuck away from me or ill end up putting a hlmet threw ur window u fuckheads


End rant thank you for shopping at your an asshole airlines



This is the same guy that I had to follow to DQ one time because I don't know columbus for shit.


Before we left, I told him hey, the brakes in my car suck ass, don't stop fast.


What does he do first light we get to the turns yellow, starts to run it (and i follow) then decides he can't make it and stops as quickly as he can... Yeah, he almost got a talon shoved up his ass lol.


But yeah, Biker's defiently need to drive defensivly, and cars need to respect bikes a little more.

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I will tailgate whomever I want whenever I want go ahead and throw your change you'll look sweet dragging along under my truck......


And I would laugh my ass off as you were ass raped daily in prison by the bikers once they found out what you were in for....

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I will tailgate whomever I want whenever I want go ahead and throw your change you'll look sweet dragging along under my truck......


If that's the case then I ride a blue an white yamaha with matching gear on 270 from reynoldsburg to polaris around 1110 everyday see you out there

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Ok fisrt off I'm gonna typo an I'm goin to have no care of grammer in this post so fuck off


Today I'm ridin my motorcycle do dod do doodle dooo ridin speedlimit in the slowlane mind my own buisness when a lifted silverado comes an rides my ass.... there's 4 lanes of road an he choosess mine so I just ignore it so eventally hit rips around me and at the last second cuts right in freont of me shotting tons of rockes an debree at me (shit hurts goin 65) an I havbe to slam on my breaks cause he did so to get off his exit right after he cuts me off ...



My rant is one don't ride anyones ass let alone a motorcycle... if they have to stoop fast they can you can't!

When u change lanes right in front of a biker all the debree gets shot at them goin 65+ mph shit hurts even with a jacket an helmet


If u tailgate me I've got a pocket full of change that's got ur windshielf written all over it


Stay the fuck away from me or ill end up putting a hlmet threw ur window u fuckheads


End rant thank you for shopping at your an asshole airlines



Sorry, I thought I recognized you as I was spraying you with road debris. I'll make sure to drop some logs/twigs behind me next time.

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Here's one for you, why the fuck do riders insist on making the right on red just after the light turns green for me? Three times in the past week I've had some stupid fuck on a rolling vibratorpull out in front of me as I'm pulling away from the fucking light.



As a motorcycle rider, YOU are the exception, the odd man out on the road. Why should I be constantly looking for somebody doing something stupid on a tiny little speck like that, lost among the rolling behemoths that I'M on the lookout to keep from getting run over by?

I watch out for trucks, you watch out for me.

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Here's one for you, why the fuck do riders insist on making the right on red just after the light turns green for me? Three times in the past week I've had some stupid fuck on a rolling vibratorpull out in front of me as I'm pulling away from the fucking light.



As a motorcycle rider, YOU are the exception, the odd man out on the road. Why should I be constantly looking for somebody doing something stupid on a tiny little speck like that, lost among the rolling behemoths that I'M on the lookout to keep from getting run over by?

I watch out for trucks, you watch out for me.


I agree, minus all the vehemence. Though I do try to watch our for the 2 wheelers, they should be on defense at all times regardless.

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Biker ever throws change at my windshield then biker better run or my corolla might just get mad:-) It works both ways.


I don't see to many bikers lately doing stupid stuff, but in the past couple of years I've seen many of them riding along in blind spots, tailgating, and lane splitting all day long. Gives me joy to see the dumb sobs laying in the grass off the side of an off ramp after seeing them drive like that. People in ford explorers too. Whats with the people in the ford explorers anyway:-)


To sum it up, the 2 wheelers are faster and more agile then the guys in cars so they get the job of staying out of the way.



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Maybe we should have and enforce traffic laws like a lot of the European countries over here? (Netherlands)


There are a shit ton of bikes over here. And lane splitting is totally fine. There are so many bikes because of the price of fuel.


Driving over here is actually relaxing. The small narrow streets are comical, but road rage doesn't exist on the scale it does in America. Maybe we are too stuck on ourselves and really don't care about anyone else... fuck them right? It's all about us?


Anyhow, I'm sure I had a point or two, I'm just to mentally tired to really care.

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I play games with people who sit in my blind spot, I've gotten people down to almost 45mph on 315 because they are to stupid to look at their own speedometer. You speed up, they speed up, you slow down, they slow down. You just can't win.


I respect bikers that respect the laws, I agree with the moving faster than traffic to stay one step ahead. The only bad experiences I have had with bikes are the left lane cruisers, not to turn this into another left lane rant thread or anything.

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I was on 270 going back from work one day and this guy in a beat up truck was riding this ladies behind on a bike. It was windy and hell and you could see was extrememly uncomfortable riding. 2 empty lanes and he decided to ride her ass and flash his light (not lights... light). I was in front of them at first but I hit my brakes to get behind the two of them. I pulled up behind the guy riding her ass and started blowing my horn repeatedly. Eventually he pulled over so that he could flip me the bird. When he did I didnt give him the satisfaction of looking over, I just pulled up behind the lady and ignored him. Eventually he pulled off and I used my truck to help block the wind for her until she exited on west broad.


From time to time I like to think of myself as a superhero and times like this prove I'm right :p


But did you PIITB?

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