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Free chipotle on 6/25, 5pm to 8pm


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hahahhhaha did you read anything I posted? chipotle is a fucking joke rite now. its a mile long at any one u go to.

I pretty sure most of the board has you and your 3 rump rangers on "ignore". It's a great feature of the board. I used it when I wasn't a Mod.

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I waited in line for 35 minutes total to get my bowl at the tuttle location. I had an umbrella so I didn't care it was raining. They gave away a free drink as well.


that's not bad, the ones down here were so bad people just stood in the road blocking cars

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Saw the six million mile long lines coming. Ate there for lunch. Not worth standing in line for 20 hours for a $6 burrito.


Truth, not sure why there is such a line for a FKN burrito. Next people will start mauling the sample ladies at the grocery store.



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my plan was to leave work at 6 and hit the one at schrock/state, then run to gahanna (morse/hamilton) for one for lunch tomorrow. g/f got there about 545 and got in line...the line was out the door and infront of PIZZA HUT!. a woman i work with said she had been in line for 1:15 min, and she was out by the patio still...not even inside


after i get back to my g/f, i said "you know, i like chipotle, but not enough to wait an hour and a half"


we went by the gahanna one and it was the same way. all around the building. fuck that. some people i walked by were soaking wet from the rain. ill pass on the pnuemonia for a burrito

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LOL, I drove past the one on Sawmill on my way to work. There was at least 200 people wrapped around the building and in the next parking lot. All I kept thinking was; if people are really waiting at least an hour or two for a $6 burrito, why was minimum wage raised to $7?
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Someone tell me why a person would want to stand in a line for over an hour to save $5.60........? Seriously...Your time is not worth that? I drove up to the one in Gahanna and the line was wrapped around the damn building...All four walls had a line.....I got a pic...hold......Look at this shit....Mind the the entrance is at the front far end....line came to the end, down where you see, back along the back wall, and off into the lot on the other corner....damn shame for $5.60



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I ended up at the one at Crosswoods. Wife and I stood in line for 1:20. We took our umbrella and where about the only dry ones once the rain hit. I didn't have any plans for last night, so it was fun to do something different. And like someone else said, they were giving away the drinks for free too. So it cost me $0.75 for the bag of chips and that was dinner last night.
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Good plan to save wife from cooking or buying dinner, but 1:20 is not worth that.....to ME.....just me talking...I would have pulled at sardines at the house.....ramen, something and watched 'Raymond' for 1:20 Vs standing with a bunch of waiters.
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