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Chad is Dead

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x2 on the weed thing. Alocohol though, that's a different animals. Good luck with the treatment, I just hope you realize that you have to want to change. Doing it to make other people happy is usually temporary.
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x2 on the weed thing. Alocohol though, that's a different animals. Good luck with the treatment, I just hope you realize that you have to want to change. Doing it to make other people happy is usually temporary.

+1 for this man and good luck.

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x2 on the weed thing. Alocohol though, that's a different animals. Good luck with the treatment, I just hope you realize that you have to want to change. Doing it to make other people happy is usually temporary.

x3 hopfully you are doing this for yourself first not for anyone else. You can do it tho if thats what you want, I work for the state of ohio in a correction facility that aids guys in there last 6 months of there sentance, that have their own issues from, alky-oxy-herion ect. I know this game really well myself because I have been in my own issues with stuff before. You can stop if you want, but its all upon yourself, and it will not be easy. But remember when things spiral out of control with substance abuse, things can always be better. I wish you the best of luck.

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Guest Addicted2Boost
yea man dont do it for other ppl do it for yourself.. it did take alot of balls to post that and im sure everyone wishes you luck and if you need anything just give us a shout. GOOD LUCK with everything
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Good luck man. :) Takes a lot of courage to admit your problem on a forum such as CR. I understand where you are coming from. I to, have had my own battles of a similar nature. Thankfully I have overcome those battles...and you will as well as long as you want it and are willing to put forth the effort to get better and make that change. Remember, do it for yourself...not for anyone else. Others (loved ones such as a gf or family come to mind) may persude you to go to rehab, etc, but then you have to ask yourself, are you doing it for you or are you doing it for them??? You'll have much more success in the process if you make the decision to do it for yourself. Good luck :thumbup:
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To make my parents and gf I agreed to go to some rehab. I think I'm going to go to the woods at parkside in Gahanna,. So Im asking if its a good placd to go or should I look ingo somdshdfd else.....its abouit alcohol and mariijuans.


I went there a few years back after I crashed my old car, it was court mandated. I was there for the 72 hour thing. It wasn't that bad. They make you take a drug test to see if you are on anything when you come in. No cell phones allowed, and don't try to hit it, they search your shit and they found mine rolled up in a pair of socks. They also don't allow colone or mouth wash because they have alcohol in them. I went there for alcohol so we went to some of the AA meetings as well as the NA meetings. All in all it wasn't that bad as long as you go in with a positive attitiude.

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