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Dynamat's effectiveness in masking Exhaust Drone?


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Anybody that has an auto and a loud exhaust knows it sucks ass driving down the freeway.


So... I'm considering putting Dynamat Xtreme over the back half of the Z06 as there is literally nothing there now. I know it's going to weight like 20#'s but I'm not to concerned with the weight as it will help me get traction anyway.


The back flooring and everything is some kind of fiberglass material and when you knock on it, it's very hollow sounding. Just wondering if I were to put this dynamat in the car if it would make a noticeable improvement. What I don't want is to spend the time doing this for nothing especially knowing that it's hard as hell to get out.




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I would imagine it would. Also, there is alot cheaper stuff than dynamat.


I just want whatever is going to be the best for my application. What are some other options? I'd also perfer to pick it up local. I found a 50sq/ft pack of the xtreme for $115 at amazon.com, but don't want to wait for shipping... :(

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I just want whatever is going to be the best for my application. What are some other options? I'd also perfer to pick it up local. I found a 50sq/ft pack of the xtreme for $115 at amazon.com, but don't want to wait for shipping... :(


thats a great price. But localaly, i dont think anyone can beat it.

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Guest Addicted2Boost
There's alot of ppl that Dynomat to deadin the exhaust sound. Ive never herd of the Peel n Seal but if it has the same properties the it should be just as good
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I also like the dynamat because it's self adhesive. Some of the others I've found on searches are not. Though I wouldn't mind getting something this weekend instead of waiting 10 days for the other stuff to be delivered.


What else is self adhesive that I might be able to pick up locally?

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in my old car, i had header and a loud ass exhaust...i dynamatted the entire interior of the car, and it didnt seem to make much of a difference. i was pissed i took a day to remove the whole interior and lay it all down for so little effect
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Even then, Dynamat didn't do much in that car. Ear plugs may have helped...


Heh, no amount of dynamat would have quelled that exhaust enough, but it helped with the direct noise since the muffler(that didn't muffle shit) was right under my seat.


I can't speak for any other product but the Dynamat is damn good stuff and will do what you need it to.

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I installed 5 sheets in the back so far, which covered just about everything except the wheel wells, and I think it helped some, but not really all that noticeable. It did help a ton with road noise and making the cabin more quite overall. It also has seemed to lessen drone at certain RPMS more then others.


It's crazy too because from outside the car at WOT, it's fairly quite considering. Just that damn drone.

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Yes, these are similiar to the results I found. Becareful with how much you add though, because this stuff can add a lot of weight tot he car quickly..


Well, I've been told to add about 50#'s to the back of the car anyway, so what better way to do it. :)

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The other option, for just crusing around town (and something you could take out) is carpet underlayment. Slap some of that over the rear of the car whenever you are crusing and take it when you go to the track. Or just toss a bunch of pillows in your trunk when crusing... that would probably work the best. (added bonus when crusing with girls in the vette, yes I meant that to be plural...)


Ive found things that absorb the sound wave (ie padding) do a much better job at getting rid of the drone. The dynamat stuff doesn't nec. absorb as it deflects.


That peel'n'stick stuff does work, it is cheaper, but as Dave said its used on roof's. Its a tar based product that smells like it. I would never put that stuff in my car.

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