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cars is broke CREW


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  Gas, Grass, or Ass said:
have you tried to change the oil and the sparkplugs yet?


randomly you get lucky with hydrolock and it doesn't hoe the motor might be worth the 30 bucks or so in parts to find out


Yep. been there twice in the last 2 weeks. Had a dude f' up his motor. Pulled the plugs and coolant was shooting out of it. Changed the lower intake manifold and it ran for a week. Did it again a week later (today). Changed the upper and re-did the lower and it seems to be fine. Coolant was FLOWING hardcore out of just about all the cylinders.

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  SoSlow5o said:
so the other night during the big storm my dad borrowed my car because his was in the tranny shop. he calls me the next day and says the starter went out on the car. I told him that was impossible because it had never had a problem to start with and if he got the car to start then it wasn't the starter:doh: . so I go over to his house today where the car is, and it was actually down the street from his house. (strange I think to myself )so I open the door and the floor has water soaked through the floor:nono:. I immediately know the issue. I put the key in the ignition and it doesn't make a move. it clicks but almost to tell me its locked. I already know, hydro lock.:(. I pop the hood pull the intake and it was soaking wet. so now im going to go make a last ditch effort to drain the oil pull the plugs and hope to god it isn't toast. I have another setup in my garage but I am no where near being complete and this would set me back atleast a year from my goal. so as for now this day is officially a failure. :cry:

take your dad on the judge judy show.

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take your dad on the judge judy show.



ok look, I wasn't asking you guys to tell me how to get back at my dad.

a. I still live in his house

b. he pays for my educatioin

c. he is te reason I have this car

d. it wasn't done on purpose

e. he is helping me fix it, I've said that multiple time throughout this thread, let it go. I was venting bout the situation, not who is going to help fix it

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  ImUrOBGYN said:
Somehow missed this. Sorry to hear bout the 'maro. BTW, I already started the broke car club. I'm not only the president, but a broke car owner, too.



sucks man, we should have a broken car bar event

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