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Anyone interested in going to Vegas....


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Save $100 if you book a 4-night vacation with Southwest Vacations.


The wife and I are going August 5-9 (Tuesday - Saturday). If anyone else wants to go out at the same time, that would be rocking. We're staying at New York - New York.



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I would love to go, but with 2 weeks in Sept. used up for the wedding/honeymoon, and trying to save back a little vacation for X-mas, it is too much of a stretch to go. Plus I have Bubbapaloza the 16th, and tons of wedding prep stuff. Janet and I talked about it, but it's just too much all at once. :(
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Awesome :) The g/f and I were planning on celebrating my birthday (8/13) out there. Not sure if we'll overlap with your trip, Ben. I'll let you know when we book it. In the meantime, text me - let's do a happy hour soon?
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