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Christian vs Video Games


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This is completely awesome. I cannot believe how this guy purposely finds anyway he can to turn some of those games in something completely evil. I've played most of the "secular" games and am amazed at the way this kid looks at them. I can only imagine how he see's the world in general.


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That link is funny... I actually read through some of the "Mutual funds" they offer, the best % yield since inception I could find was 7.19% on their Class C shares of the Large/Mid Cap Value fund. Most of them have returns less than a savings account or even negative.


So, literally - it doesn't pay to invest in "morals"

Moral Screening

The Timothy Plan is committed to maintaining portfolios that only contain securities that are not actively contributing to the moral decline of our society. If you believe that one of our holdings is violating any of the following screens, please contact us:






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i bet mr. christian gamer would like Dr. Mario.

although, doesn't he know that christianity is very strong in russia? I mean, i know american christians are the only ones not going to hell, but still!

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