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Mercedes Benz goes green


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i wonder how this will effect gas prices.


It shouldnt. Gas is exspensive becasue our dollar is worthless. Gas and everything else goes up, the more our dollar tanks.


England pays only 2.60EUR/ gallon of gasoline... but 1EUR is valued at $1.57


Gas is the same price everywhere... it just seems inflated because our money isnt backed worth a shit... and this latest brilliant plan to print an extra $600 bucks for all tax payers made it even worse. Now we have even more money floating around that isnt backed by anyhting.


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It shouldnt. Gas is exspensive becasue our dollar is worthless. Gas and everything else goes up, the more our dollar tanks.


England pays only 2.60EUR/ gallon of gasoline... but 1EUR is valued at $1.57


Gas is the same price everywhere... it just seems inflated because our money isnt backed worth a shit... and this latest brilliant plan to print an extra $600 bucks for all tax payers made it even worse. Now we have even more money floating around that isnt backed by anyhting.


Watch this...



The value of the dollar isn't the whole story. Here's something from my financial advisors newsletter:


Who is responsible for this mess? If you listen to the Congressional hearings and the politicians they are blaming the oil companies one day then the speculators the next. Hogwash – the main culprit is Congress. They have had decades to address the problem and any proposals for solutions were ignored, missed or deliberately blocked.




Instead of looking for someone to “blame” Congress needs to take a lesson in Economics 101 so that they could understand the concept of supply and demand. Here are some interesting facts according to the Department of Energy:




* Today total global consumption of oil is 85.2 million barrels PER DAY.

* In 2000 the world only consumed 76.3 million barrels.

* The United States, which makes up roughly 4% of the world’s population, consumes 21 million barrels per day – about a quarter of the planet’s oil.

* As recently as 1973, imports made up 36% of our total oil use; today, imports are two-thirds of our 21-million-barrell-a-day oil habit, and climbing fast.




Final fact, as pointed out by Investor’s Business Daily:




One of the oil business’s dirty secrets is that only 6% of all reserves are controlled by investor-owned oil companies such as those demonized by Congress. The rest are controlled by governments, one way or another. And 11 of the 15 largest oil companies are government-owned. Government is the problem, not “Big Oil.”




In the supply-and-demand category we have to realize the U.S. does consume a lot of oil. But for the first time in history we are seeing other countries like China and India growing and emulating our love affair with the automobile.




Before we start feeling bad for ourselves we have to remember what other parts of the world pay for gasoline. I was in Holland last year and was amazed at how many people rode bicycles. In reading an article in yesterday’s Sunday Times I discovered gasoline in Holland sells for more than $10 a gallon, with $5.57of that going to taxes. At $10 per gallon the bike seems like a better alternative. Even in Britain, which has substantial North Sea oil production, gasoline sells for $8.71 a gallon. Ouch…

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I already see that last article as unreliable... British are paying $4.08... not $8.71. Thats HALF of what this guy is writing... something is seriously wrong with his facts. Also, as far as only 6% of the reserves being oil controlled.. that may be true, BUT about 90% of the worlds reserves are in areas that have been made illegal to drill in... so really, nobody is taping into them, nobody conrtols them... so inreality, oil companies own the majority of drillable oil.
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I already see that last article as unreliable... British are paying $4.08... not $8.71. Thats HALF of what this guy is writing... something is seriously wrong with his facts. Also, as far as only 6% of the reserves being oil controlled.. that may be true, BUT about 90% of the worlds reserves are in areas that have been made illegal to drill in... so really, nobody is taping into them, nobody conrtols them... so inreality, oil companies own the majority of drillable oil.


What are you talking about? People in UK does pay around $8.70 for a gallon. Maybe you are thinking pounds rather than US dollar?



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I already see that last article as unreliable... British are paying $4.08... not $8.71. Thats HALF of what this guy is writing... something is seriously wrong with his facts. Also, as far as only 6% of the reserves being oil controlled.. that may be true, BUT about 90% of the worlds reserves are in areas that have been made illegal to drill in... so really, nobody is taping into them, nobody conrtols them... so inreality, oil companies own the majority of drillable oil.


Its 4.08 a liter...

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