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domestic guys, answer this


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Do you really think that most companies are moving their resources over to asia for simple reasons of greed?


I believe that if they continued with their factories here most of them would eventually go bankrupt. With some of our ungodly powerful labor unions screwing over businesses im sure its hard to stay afloat. not to mention the fact that a lot of american workers don't give two shits about if a car gets put together correctly, most of them just want to get paid. There was a chrysler plant back where im from in toledo and a good friend of mine who was a millwright at the plant told me how inefficient they were for instance, they built a porn box so guys could jack their shit on their breaks.


im sure they don't get a lot of that over in japan.

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It cost japan more to make a car in the states then it would cost in japan then export to be exact its 8.4 percent per car. this toll was taken in 2001 so im sure its gone up since the price of thing have also. After ww2 japanese starting importing/making cars to the united states to keep the truce with americans. japan had to give up all there rights up to americans after loosing the war, which also ment, war ships, having an army ect, american's agreement was to protect japan was defeated so in all aspect japan was to take there industy and bring a percentage here to the states to keep american happy.. Man I had to learn all this stuff in japan when I went to school there.


By 1945 there were 5.5 million men in the Japanese Army. When the country was occupied at the end of the war the army and are institutions associated with it were disbanded and the 1947 constitution banned all military forces in Japan.


this is what led to the industy boom in japan.

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take there industy and bring a percentage here to the states to keep american happy.. Man I had to learn all this stuff in japan when I went to school there.

Are you serious? Let's see tax breaks for creating jobs, no import tarriffs saving these companies millions of dollars, and they just wanted to keep us happy. Guess I don't understand.

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Are you serious? Let's see tax breaks for creating jobs, no import tarriffs saving these companies millions of dollars, and they just wanted to keep us happy. Guess I don't understand.


Tax breaks? every import car is made with american resorces. they are creating more jobs then americans can even promise to there own people. Japan still makes more cars in japan but yet still sells this good in the states. Japanese also have strick laws on cars, the japanese people are encouraged to buy a new car every 2-3 years to promote more economic growth within there own country, which makes sence more jobs and money for their own country. If they came out with an all american car made in ohio I would support it too. European and asian markerts have way more pride for there own products, its so easy to tell that.


Honda goes out of there way here in marysville they paid for our super nice big highschools, they donated to the state 75% of the funds to repave parts of 33/ and 36 for honda workers. our housing is still awsome here in union county , the houses in this town re sale great because of honda workers wanting to live close. 90% of this towns work has somthihng to do with honda. if they left the surround towns and countys would go to crap.

What has GM and FORD done for the americans in the past 25 years but break and run and leave thousands and thousands of american familys jobless. Aleast once a month yahoo news has great news with another company leaving for foreign grounds.

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It all boils down to is americans want to much now days,

GM pays almost 100% of the medical expenses for their current employees, past employees, and the families of these people. GMs overhead is huge, but they are having a great deal of trouble (because of Unions) moving plants to countries (or US States) where they can manufacture at rates that are competitive with Toyota/Honda.

You should read "the end of detriot" its a book all truth why the american car company is killing itself and being taken over by foreign sales. We are all going to be introuble when china makes there knock off cars and sells in the states, we as americans are going to hate them but they are prolly going to sell like hot cakes because they are cheap!

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Tax breaks? every import car is made with american resorces. they are creating more jobs then americans can even promise to there own people. Japan still makes more cars in japan but yet still sells this good in the states. Japanese also have strick laws on cars, the japanese people are encouraged to buy a new car every 2-3 years to promote more economic growth within there own country, which makes sence more jobs and money for their own country. If they came out with an all american car made in ohio I would support it too. European and asian markerts have way more pride for there own products, its so easy to tell that.


Honda goes out of there way here in marysville they paid for our super nice big highschools, they donated to the state 75% of the funds to repave parts of 33/ and 36 for honda workers. our housing is still awsome here in union county , the houses in this town re sale great because of honda workers wanting to live close. 90% of this towns work has somthihng to do with honda. if they left the surround towns and countys would go to crap.

What has GM and FORD done for the americans in the past 25 years but break and run and leave thousands and thousands of american familys jobless. Aleast once a month yahoo news has great news with another company leaving for foreign grounds.

GM and Ford give A LOT of money back to the communtiy...they just don't publicise it nationally. (Just like no one outside of Marysville knows the contributions that Honda has made to the communtiy) Bob Lutz said about a year ago that Toyota will donate $1 million for a cause, then spend $10 million advertising it to everyone. He said the GM puts more money into the communtiy, but the fanfare is less.


I would have no problem buying a Honda, due to the contributions they make to Ohio's economy. But I live outside of Detroit and work in the auto industry. I see the direct impact of the tough times the automakers are going through. If buying a car I would do everything I could to support the US companies and my local economy.


Toyota, Honda, Subaru, Nissan etc. all make cars in the US, but GM is still one of the largest employers in the US. They are putting plants in other countries to avoid the union's, get cheap labor, and make things more cost effective. China has made the tarrifs on imported cars extremely high, so the automakers made the componenets elsewhere, shipped them, then put an assembly plant in China. Then China decided to highly tax the 'kits.' (I'm not sure if this was eventually shot down) This ment that automakers needed to produce more of the vehicle and assemble it in China if they wanted to compete in that market. There weren't high import taxes in the US on goods from China...so I think you can see where this is going.


Basically, they need to raise the import tariffs, highly reform the union (which has started to happen in the new contracts), and make the plants more flexible. Although, right now the US dollar is so cheap compared to the Euro that we are seeing the next gen models being built in the US and exported to Europe.


But to answer your question, yes, I would still buy from GM, Ford, or Chrysler before I'd buy anything from a foreign automaker. (And in the past I have driven a Nissan, Mazda, and my parents have an Acura and Toyota) I don't like anything Chrysler though, so my next car will be a GM or Ford.

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