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8 guys busted last night on 71


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You're defintely entitled to your opinion Rick, but your career is in the medical sector, not the LEO/Military sector. How many law enforcement agencies have you interviewed with? It doesn't sound like many.

Again you are back to the argument that if I was not in the military and did not interview for the PD.... I don't know enough. I am a very observant person. Most of the people on this likely don't remember when cops were cops and not paramilitary, because they are too young. Ask people my age or older and they will be able to tell you how the police have changed since the 60's and 70's.


If you serve/served... My hat is off to you and I thank you!

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Again you are back to the argument that if I was not in the military and did not interview for the PD.... I don't know enough. I am a very observant person. Most of the people on this likely don't remember when cops were cops and not paramilitary, because they are too young. Ask people my age or older and they will be able to tell you how the police have changed since the 60's and 70's.


If you serve/served... My hat is off to you and I thank you!




yes the police have changed but some has the population as a whole real question is has the police changed to stay with the population or has the population changed with the police? I would have to say its the police that have made the changes to keep up with the ever changing population.

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I wouldn't worry too much about message board talk...we all know the internet is made up of truth and lots of BS. My wife has had cases were chat room stuff was taken in by the prosecution and she simply poked holes all in it as possible BS chatter. Anything said would have to be matched up with hard evidence.


It wouldn't paint a good picture if said facts matched up with a video though.



This is so true people on here act like what they say can inciminate them on a message board lol, Some people that know me on here remember when I was taken to court by someone that tryed to get me on charges agg assult on felony 3 charges because of hear say shit on the internet, I was at a party some drunk guy was being crazy, I asked him and his friends to leave because they are making a scene and loud. This was when I was in the marines also and not even living in ohio, and had to come back to state for court. I asked the guys to leave over and over untill one of them took a swing at me, I still tryed to be a gentleman and push them out the door rather then start smashing faces in, as I was pushing them out the other guy from behind takes a cheap shot at me and hits me in the back of the head, this is when I start to defent myself I ended up breaking 2 of the guys jaw while the 3rd guy just watched his friends. I then called the police and waited till they got there and both of them went to marysville hospital, and was never arrested. That night alot of pictures on cell phone's where taken to make me look like the aggressive aminal which was not true. I did not want to fight just want to have a good time. coming from a small town rumors spread blah blah blah, either way I was cleared from all my charges, because of one video camera that was recording that night. I had 2 guys against me saying I have PTSD and I am crazy when the video gave a whole new look into the story. The judge even said "If you two thugs where in my house acting a fool I would of thumped you too" They ended up getting charged with lying underoath which to this day I think they where just so drunk, they do not remember what all went down, everything seems to be different when you are drunk. Its crazy what a 12 pack of beer can do to some fat out of shape guy and some skinny 135lb 6'3 guy, I could of sworn they where UFC fighters that night.

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the people who got away cant be nailed...fingerprints dont have anything to do with anything... wth are you talking about? if the people got away, theres no way the cops can prove they were driving the car at the time of the bust...what can they do? dust the car for fingerprints and see whos hands were on the steering wheel? that wont hold up in court because the person driving the night of the bust might have had gloves, they cannot prove that the owner was driving at that particular time unless they are caught at the scene


your right anyway, the guys that got anyway are fine no matter what.


i blew past a cop on broad street one night doing about 90, my friend that was well behind me called and said the cop was after me, so i took off and made it home. 2 minutes later the cop flew by my house and must have saw my car cause he locked up his brakes. i just stood there and waved at him, and he ended up just leaving and didnt even say a word

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Werd. This has been coming. IIRC, didn't SawBinder (who is, I believe, a police officer on the north end) warn us that this day was approaching and to be careful?



I have been trying to warn all of you that eventually the shit was going to hit the fan. The paper said that there had been numerous complaints about people drag racing up 71. It was only a matter of time before popo got lucky and caught someone.

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i blew past a cop on broad street one night doing about 90, my friend that was well behind me called and said the cop was after me, so i took off and made it home. 2 minutes later the cop flew by my house and must have saw my car cause he locked up his brakes. i just stood there and waved at him, and he ended up just leaving and didnt even say a word






damn, i got nothing. somebody, please?

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Guest tbutera2112
sweet, im part of the 2006 statistic!! i got a drag racing ticket in my f150 doing a whopping 51mph in a 35 zone!!! they will write a drag racing ticket for anything, those numbers are bs with tickets like mine floating around
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Can we please close this thread and remove it. There nothing left to talk about, everyone is out safely and there is no need to ask for any mugshots or anything. People need to grow up and realize these few people are in enough trouble right now, so there is no need to add anymore fuel to the fire.
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Can we please close this thread and remove it. There nothing left to talk about, everyone is out safely and there is no need to ask for any mugshots or anything. People need to grow up and realize these few people are in enough trouble right now, so there is no need to add anymore fuel to the fire.


This is back in the open. Why?


Maybe people will see what can really happen to them, and those who were charged with bullshit for being there can publicize their side of the story.


Keep it clean.


Doesn't look like its going to happen.

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Can we please close this thread and remove it. There nothing left to talk about, everyone is out safely and there is no need to ask for any mugshots or anything. People need to grow up and realize these few people are in enough trouble right now, so there is no need to add anymore fuel to the fire.


i dont see that theres any need to close this thread, seeing as how other threads involving other folks that have legal issues have not been closed.

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