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Any advice for a reckless driving summons?

Guest Mindhacler

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Couldn't, I was in the Navy and moving to my duty station in Florida. He knew this, knew I was hard pressed to return (which I was, my ship was leaving in a couple of weeks), so he knew he had me.


That sucks. Did you fight it at all?


VA seems to take the "speedometer miscalibration" excuse as valid if you get some place to throw it on a dyno and write it up for you. But you would have had to go all the way back to VA, get the uhaul... He must have known it would be nigh-impossible for you to fight it.

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Guest Mindhacler

Re: the speed and cops claim....just fess up if you're guilty. the below quote makes it sound like you're saying he is "claiming to have clocked you" but you don't feel he did.....all that really doesn't matter if you in fact were going 87mph in a 55mph zone. You know if you were and gut tells me you know you weren't going 55mph. Again, not a bash, but it is what it is.


Do get a lawyer though as your insurance will double if you're nailed with a RO and the likely 6pts it will carry. That will be more than $500 over the course of 2-3 years.


I'm 98% sure I wasn't driving at 87mph, but yeah, it wasn't 55 either. Low 80's would be an accurate guess. I try not to do 20over as a matter of course and I thought the speedlimit was 65, (which it is just across the border from where I was pulled over).


Yeah. I did the math and a speeding ticket will cost atleast 600 on my insurance, and a reckless driving conviction pushes that up to ~2000 over the next three years.


Were you accused of doing 95/55? It's amazing that you managed to get out of it so lightly.

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Yep...I was written up for R/O at 95mph in a 55mph zone. They used laser but didn't mark it down (not required) and pulled over three cars. Me, another GP and a T/A. They had several mistakes or slight loop-holes in the notes of the ticket as it relates to my car and pulling me over. Long story short, I was in the middle lane of 670 on a cell, the others were racing by in the fast lane. IMO, I think I happen to get caught up in the mix of cars and was pulled over in the heat of the moment.


The T/A was white, so is my car, the other was a Grand Prix and so is mine, they had fog lights and so do I....the one slip was on the ticket is that my fogs were lit up and in fact mine were disconnected as they were shorted out at the time and hadn't worked from day one of owning the car, so the description wasn't a match for my car. They also noted far left lane, I wasn't there....I was in the center lane. I was pulled over first...because the others blew by me and I wasn't going as fast. They busted them at 95mph but me too? I don't think so......the cop was on adreneline and pissed at all of us and mad that my license was in the trunk in my computer bag (returning from a business trip) and my insurance card too...and I don't carry my registration. I heard about all that for like 5 minutes and did get a little pissy with him about his making more of that since all that is pissy shit IMO.


Again, I think I got caught up in the mix, but it is was it was and I had to live with that. In the end, I don't like traffic cops much and that was a classic reason as to why for me....but hey, their job sucks and I make more money so f-em. It does make me feel good knowing the cop knows we cut a deal and I basically walked :cool: My wife said he was pissy when here and my attorney talked with him. The judge was cool and happy to see it was worked out without a trial and just grinned and said "slow it down out there pdq" :D


I was likely going 75-80mph but honestly didn't know. There was enough to warrant taking things to court and my wife and her friend representing me both worked at the prosecutors office at one time, so they knew the prosecutor and the system. That likely helped. But in the end, they do not want a court case and knowing my fees were likely not an issue thus I could take it to court, they made a deal.


In your case, if they see you hired a lawyer and even stand a hint of taking it to court, they will likely deal. Just get one with a good rep with the prosecutors. There are lots mentioned here on CR that have bad raps with them and while are expensive and good, don't always get the 'best' deals.


Were you accused of doing 95/55? It's amazing that you managed to get out of it so lightly.

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Guest Mindhacler

That seems to be a pretty common scenario - cops lasing multiple targets.


I looked up some more info on my lawyer, and he was an ex-prosecutor, so he should be friends with all of the cops/judges/everywho. It looks like I'll make it out alive.

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Buenos Dias a todos.


Newb with a Hyundai Tiburon, reffered over here from NewTiburon.Com... Anyone have any advice for dealing with a reckless driving ticket? A cop in VA claims to have tagged me with radar, and they have mandatory reckless driving infractions for driving 20 over, or >80... so the 87 in a 55 brings out the jerk in them (luckily it wasn't street racing or anything, just coming home from the beach).



Yeah - I need to take a new picture with the new wheels, drop, redout tails and clearcorners, but I mean, you sorta get the idea, no? And if I ever get a free weekend then the lambo doors are next on the list... Until then, they will sit in my garage reminding me that, well, I'm a pathetic riceboy who can't even rice right.


Oh, and I'm 22, single, enjoy long walks on the beach, and revving at cars with triple my horsepower just to watch them fly off into the distance. It's a beautiful sight/sound.



Funny that this topic comes up. I used to live in VA and have visited plenty of times since. I go to school in MI. The speed up here is 70 mph, when i started school here, most people drove 85-90 (the cops, since then, have recieved more funding and no one speeds much more than 80 anymore). Needless to say, I've had a couple in VA.


Anyway, if its your first reckless, and you are out of state, you can basically claim stupidity. I mean, no one really knows thats the law there. You should basically get it reduced to speeding; just don't get caught again. It majorly sucks that you have to drive there to appear in court, but its better than getting 6pts on your license and a $500 fine.

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Also, I'm not sure you'll need a lawyer. Every single person, when i went to court, was from out of state and had no idea that law existed. They all were 1st time offendors (except me), and had it reduced to speeding. A lawyer will only help.
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Points, a fine, a temp suspension if the judge is a real dick. Hard to say since it's in Virginia. You won't goto jail, so, eh.. You may be able to work out some community service in lieu of fines and/or suspension.


Welcome, btw.



don't be so sure, I got put in jail for a few hours (basically the rest of the day) for 90/55 in VA

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does your RD have POP detection? that fools a lot of RDs, I'm pretty sure only the V1 and Passport have it.


I got nailed doing 46 in a 25 (21 over). it was just one of those roads no one ever slows down on, I was tired and went a little too fast, cop got me. I didn't fight it, I showed up in court to accept their decision instead of making a stink and instead of suspending my license like they could, I just got it marked down to a speeding ticket since it was my first.

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Is your ideal Tiburon black, with lambo doors, green angel eyes, and an unpainted body kit, gaudy spoiler, a sound system so cool it kills your battery every weekend? Just asking because there have been a lot of Tiburons around here (Columbus) lately and they are ALL ridiculously stupid. No offense, but they just have a bad reputation in my mind.


HAHAHAHA!!! "I'm gonna let my music play real loud and drain my battery and look like a tard when someone has to jump me"-Tib owners....

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Couldn't, I was in the Navy and moving to my duty station in Florida. He knew this, knew I was hard pressed to return (which I was, my ship was leaving in a couple of weeks), so he knew he had me.

just a side note I love photoshop! the shoes are sweet!

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:woowoo: from a fellow previous hyundai owner (twice) and NT/EXD/RDT/HP member...heres a link from my first XD i modded the hell out of http://www.elantraxd.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10348



you need to call NGM...with the 16's and the low spoiler, ill take a stab you have the i4? if you ever want to mod the engine (IM spacer, ported IM, BBTB, UDP, header/intake, (clutch slave cylinder mod if you have a 5 speed, will make a huge difference), etc etc), im VERY familiar with it, and would be willing to give you a hand. NGM should have the I4 SC available real soon from what ive read on EXD. dont do the lambo doors. they suck. i checked out a white tib at byers with them, and it was a PITA shutting the doors

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Guest Mindhacler
does your RD have POP detection? that fools a lot of RDs, I'm pretty sure only the V1 and Passport have it.


POP mode is inadmissible as a source for writing tickets. Not saying it doesn't happen, but the idea is to use pop to find a good target and then hit him with a more accurate radar signal. But he could of, I don't have pop on mine.



you need to call NGM...with the 16's and the low spoiler, ill take a stab you have the i4? if you ever want to mod the engine (IM spacer, ported IM, BBTB, UDP, header/intake, (clutch slave cylinder mod if you have a 5 speed, will make a huge difference), etc etc), im VERY familiar with it, and would be willing to give you a hand. NGM should have the I4 SC available real soon from what ive read on EXD. dont do the lambo doors. they suck. i checked out a white tib at byers with them, and it was a PITA shutting the doors


i4 indeed. I put on an intake and removed the suckifier from the clutch slave cylinder already, and I'm hoping to do headers and exhaust by the end of the summer.


I'm not sure whether or not to go FI. I don't feel like I need to most of the time, and then some v8 will just launch past me and I start dreaming dreams. I know that the i4block will handle the boost just fine, so maybe the SC would be a good way to go. It's just that until NGM gets theirs out the choices are pretty poor. Thanks for the offer to help though, I'll let you know if I have any questions!

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POP mode is inadmissible as a source for writing tickets. Not saying it doesn't happen, but the idea is to use pop to find a good target and then hit him with a more accurate radar signal. But he could of, I don't have pop on mine.


In VA or in general? I need to research...

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Guest Mindhacler
tiburons are gay and you're gay for wanting lambo doors

Give me a few weeks. Then I'll be gay for having them.


In VA or in general? I need to research...

Should be all over. The user manual (yeah, i know, who reads them) for the radar guns (bee i think?) discusses the matter.

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